Spanning across the epochs of mankind's history, Empire Earth is an encompassing, deep real-time strategy game similar in style to Age of Empires. Ranging from the very dawn of civilisation with the discovery of fire to the penultimate achievements of mankind's futuristic nanoage, players have all of the resources of the era at their disposal, from the club-wielding cavemen of prehistoric society, to atomic bomb-laden B52 planes of the Atomic Age. Featuring a robust campaign editor, and random scenario generator, Empire Earth is both a technologically-sound and enjoyable game.


This is the December 2001 CD-Rom from that month's issue of LEVEL Magazine from Vogel Publishing, It has many demo's of games from late 2000, early 2001, and some previews from 2002, Also is shareware like Zone Alarm, and some patches, This CD is not by me and I do not take credit for it either.

LEVEL December 2001 CD-Rom
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