Focusing on the time periods after the invention of gunpowder. It will deliver 12 unique and challenging scenarios created by the development team at Firaxis as well as some esteemed members of the Civ Community. Civ IV: Beyond the Sword will also include ten new civilizations, sixteen new leaders, five new wonders, and a variety of new units that will offer even more fun and exciting ways for players to expand their civilization's power as they strive for world domination.


thecowwarrior's Variety Mod v1.99r3 Your custom games feeling a little bland? Give this Mod a try and spice up your game! It includes 33 new civilizations, 127 new leaderheads, 14 new wonders, 6 new resources, 1 new technology, 1 new world project, 4 new traits, and gives every civilization flavor units and great people (around 2000 total!) and buildings. It also contains a slightly reworked naval and air unit system, BBAI for smarter AI play, plenty of new music and a couple new victory videos! Don't let the large file size scare you, there simply is just that much new content to enjoy!

thecowwarrior's Variety Mod
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