Prepare to unleash the absolute latest in modern weapons technology against the world's most powerful Generals in Command & Conquer Generals: Zero Hour. In the next era of military strategy and might, you'll need to command a more technologically advanced arsenal to defeat new, more powerful enemies.

RSS Reviews  (10 - 20 of 1,138)

It's considered one of the best game to be ever been modded by fan gamers.

Best game ever


Among the best RTS games ever created

It has some faults, like the general powers (Aka almost uncounterable point and click deletion buttons) which makes games frustrating and its in general VERY cheap.

Like insta spawn group of terrorists inside your base, they can cap your building

But if you play as Demolition general, you can detonate your own troops = Instant death for powerplants

Or you can do this in group of enemy tanks

Its very cheap and frustrating and there is no way to turn it off.

Oh yes..... the balance of this game is all over the place

First of all, you cannot disable superweapons, and the game gives you NO reason to NOT just sit in your base and build 5-12 Nuclear silos instead of building units and fighting like real man.

And general balance... holy mother of god

Alexander (Super Weapons General) and Juhziz (Demolition General) are arguably the worst offenders

Alexander has EMP Patriot, which disables vehicles on hit (Making tanks useless) and its instant kill if it hits aircraft

Then... she got Aurora Alpha
This bomber is invincible UNTIL it throws its payload

So this bomber can fly around your base while it will pick its target, usually powerplants while everyone is shooting at it... WTF

Juhziz has two major OP things

1) His SCUD
2) His Demolition upgrade with Rebel Ambush ability

His SCUD can one shoot enemy superweapons or HQ
ONE SHOOT ?! Normally you need 2 superweapons to destroy enemy HQ/Superweapon
This means his SCUD can kill every building in game every 5 minutes

Juhziz can rig his troop with explosives, everytime Juhziz unit dies, it explodes with strong explosion, with rebel spawn ambush you can instantly delete group of building and this is very cheap and takes no skill at all. Yet there is NO reason to NOT use it.

You might wonder why i am giving this game 10/10

The game is fine if you dont play against those two generals, as just the balance falls apart.

Though the vision part is little bit out of date from a 10-year-later perspective, the game itself has excellent concept and most importantly it's very friendly to moders. We don't need something like an SDK which is often difficult to use and has piles of bugs to create our own ZH.
If there's no new RTS game can match ZH's moder-friendliness, perhaps it's reasonable to assume that this game could still be alive for pretty long time, because while there're always people who wanted to be players of the game, there would also always be people who wanted to be the "god" of the game universe.

this is great

good old game with oldschool soldiers and Tanks

C&C G/ZH is a good game for Lan Party´s (for real just try it)

has decent graphics that are perfect for low end computers, is map friendly, and with a little elbow grease mod friendly. has a compelling campaign and story line , although EA probably could have done better with the opening videos to missions. all round a game with the ability to be marked in gaming history.


It's nice to play it at first, but then you get bored because it doesn't feature too much and the AI is easy to beat in it's hardest difficulty, also there are some balance problems and it's not so realistic, that's why I think it's better to play it with mods and it'll be way more fun.

me love the game

Love it :D