Post feature RSS Features  (3630 - 3660 of 3,742)
Half-Life 2: Capture the Flag
Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2: Capture the Flag

Half-Life 2 13 comments

Half-Life 2 Capture the Flag is more than just CTF. It expands on Half-Life's world more than you could imagine.

December MOTM: Hollow Moon
Unreal Tournament 2004

December MOTM: Hollow Moon

Hollow Moon 19 comments

Endless silence in the empty void of space. Lost and desolate, alone in a vast world seen only in stark black and white. Welcome to Hollow Moon, where...

Surviving Next-Gen Modding

Surviving Next-Gen Modding

Counter-Strike 54 comments

Next-gen games are coming. As gamers, they mean glorious high-definition graphics. But as modders, they mean enormous increases to workload and time...

Into Cerberon
Doom III

Into Cerberon

Into Cerberon 1 comment

While Doom 3 has attracted many a mod wishing to develop a sense of fear and claustrophobia, noone could ever had predicted one of them might involve...

Half-Life 2


Dire 14 comments

Half Life 2 - Zombie mods. That's like saying Cher - Plastic Surgery. Although a fantastic idea, once it's overused it becomes bland and cracked...

Darwinia Photo Contest

Darwinia Photo Contest

Darwinia 16 comments

Hey boys and girls! Want to win a copy of the excellent game Darwinia and its amazing soundtrack for next to no work at all? Want to become the envy of...

Tyranid Army
Dawn of War

Tyranid Army

Tyranid Mod 13 comments

Dawn of War FINALLY paid the Gamesworkshop legacy justice by bringing Warhammer into a digital being that truly expressed its dark and violent existence...

Indie Modding

Indie Modding

Darwinia 2 comments

Indie games are coming, and with them indie mods. In this feature, ModDB takes a brief tour through the challenges and rewards of this new world.



PARANOIA 11 comments

Ah nice screenshots... what.. this is the Half-Life ONE engine?!?!? Seriously?!? Yes, this is Paranoia

Eternal Damnation Interview

Eternal Damnation Interview

Eternal Damnation 2 comments

After wading through pools of blood, gore, and A&W Root Beer (stopping lovingly for a sip now and again), Joe stops by to interview the team behind the...

The Man From U.N.I.T.Y. Interview
No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M's Way

The Man From U.N.I.T.Y. Interview

The Man From UNITY 10 comments

Meet the one lady team at BadgerBones Productions, who has just been grilled at length by Joe to find out about her great looking mod for No One Lives...

G T X Interview
Quake 4

G T X Interview

G T X Q4

As much as the gameplay of Doom 3 split the community in half, there was little dispute over the graphics. However GTX plans to push dooms engine further...

Dreamscape : Pin Point Blank
Half-Life 2

Dreamscape : Pin Point Blank

Dreamscape: Pin Point Blank 2 comments

Insanity! Murder! Stealing! Violence! No it's not your average day at junior high, but the upcoming Dreamscape mod for Half Life 2!

October MOTM: Dystopia
Half-Life 2

October MOTM: Dystopia

Dystopia 13 comments

Feel like hacking, using high tech weaponry, and sticking a bunch of mechanical doo-dads in your body to make youself badder than the Six Million Dollar...

Battlefield 40,000 -  Interview

Battlefield 40,000 - Interview

Feature 1 comment

In the grim world of the far future, there is only WAR! Check out this recent interview with the mod team of BATTLEFIELD 40k!!

September MOTM: The Hidden: Source
Half-Life 2

September MOTM: The Hidden: Source

Hidden Source 25 comments

A dark hallway. A gun, twitching in your nervous hands. Bodies all around you. Something is stalking you. But where? A sound! Or was it? Did that shadow...

Becoming Balance & Power
Max Payne 2

Becoming Balance & Power

Hall of Mirrors 4 comments

A look of the upcoming Max Payne 2 action mod, Hall of Mirrors. This mod allows players to take the fictional martial arts "Gun Kata" to a second...

The Steam Age

The Steam Age

Source 9 comments

With Steam firmly established, it's time to take a long overdue look at exactly what it means for both mod makers and players.

Hexen : Edge of Chaos Interview
Doom III

Hexen : Edge of Chaos Interview

Hexen: Edge Of Chaos 3 comments

Hexen was a classic, and it was only a matter of time before someone remade it on new technology. We sit down with the Edge of Chaos Team to see how development...

Ground Zero Interview
Doom III

Ground Zero Interview

Ground Zero 3 comments

The Ground Zero team attempt to take the Doom 3 engine into new territory with this post nuclear-apocalypse RPG total conversion inspired by the Fallout...

Facing Hell Interview
Doom III

Facing Hell Interview

Facing Hell

As part of the Moddb Doom 3 birthday feature, the Facing Hell team finally break the silence regarding their expansion project.

F.E.A.R. Preview

F.E.A.R. Preview

F.E.A.R. 3 comments

Do you know the true meaning of F.E.A.R.?... well no to be frank, and nor do I care! But I'm sure you're going to tell me anyway.

The Hunted Chronicle 3 Interview

The Hunted Chronicle 3 Interview

The Hunted Chronicle 3 7 comments

Today I had the opportunity to do an interview with over his new mod, The Hunted Chronicle 3. Carni is also known for his work on EzQuake, Construct...

A Transforming Revolution
Unreal Tournament 2004

A Transforming Revolution

Counter Organic Revolution 14 comments

Counter Organic Revolution is the first Mod of the Month we've had in a while. This article runs through what makes this mod great and a lengthy...

Nosferatu - Carpe Noctem Interview

Nosferatu - Carpe Noctem Interview

Nosferatu 8 comments

Vampires have always been a great fear to many. Seemingly normal people sprout out big fangs and claws, jumping at anyone, sucking blood from the necks...

OMG Where's Wally??!!

OMG Where's Wally??!!

Feature 31 comments

You think you got a good eye? Help us find the local spanerish modDB mascot Wally.. Wally the Spanner. Do this and you could be rewarded with a I :wub...

GTA San Andreas Hot Coffee Mod - The Truth
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

GTA San Andreas Hot Coffee Mod - The Truth

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 50 comments

Take the time to look up "Playboy: The Mansion", "The Sims 2". You will find sex, nudity. Sims 2 is the next game on list to be attacked...

Serving Balance or Power?
Max Payne 2

Serving Balance or Power?

Hall of Mirrors 10 comments

Humanity is full of surprises. Many surprises, and one of them is corruption. Mod leader Rico sits down in a stunning interview on the Hall of Mirrors...

Murder by Playstation

Murder by Playstation

Feature 15 comments

Music, Art, Film, have all tasted the sting of censorship in one form or other, and have all at some point being heralded as the key in societies downfall...

Inside the Eccentric Oddball's Fishbowl

Inside the Eccentric Oddball's Fishbowl

hammy-bob mod 16 comments

Hammy-Bob speaks out for the return of his mod and spits out all kinds of new information for his final half-life 1 release.