
More functions to interact with the world (and not only) via PDA.

Interactive PDA 1.64
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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

I will add a couple of new tasks a little bit later, right now I'm very busy with other things ;[

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LunarFeiri - - 15 comments

Сan be added to take the task from the stalkers through the chat in the PDA and not direct dialogue (as it was in Lost Alpha)

if it's possible of course ^^

Also, sometimes they ask to guide the stalkers in some place in the chat, it would be possible to add the ability to answer them in the same way through the chat and accept it

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

Tasks are probably too scattered, but I'll look into it.
Hmmm as for guides, I don't think I can take tasks that you see in news, but I can make my own. We send a message and ask if anyone need a guide and NPC answer, how does that sound? ;]

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Guest - - 700,201 comments

Yes make that! I'm looking for quest mods!

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[𝚛𝚞𝚋𝚢] - - 608 comments

Thx for the notes and also for the trading thing. Now I can remember what was about to do last time I played instead of going arty hunting on yantar for no particular reason.

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

Gotta disappoint you tho, I'm not going to add calculator xd

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mp5lng - - 7,996 comments

Nice addon, I'll give it a try for sure.

Here are my thoughts for ideas:

How about buying weapons and gear for less cash than from traders, but with varying condition of course, obviously less than 100% since they're used.

Buying items, pretty much any item you want and can't find on the nearest trader, or items that can't be bought like tools. Right now I'm searching for expert tools to apply upgrades to my outfit and craft some good stuff, I would love to pay for the expert tools but technicians don't sell them, and if they do it would cost a fortune with hard hard difficulty.

Asking for guides, just like npcs do through chat, this could be nice for people overloaded with loot and don't feel like walking all the way across the map. You accept one and his location is shown on your pda, having him spawn near you would be awkward, rather be you walking to him.

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

I personally don't really like anything related to fast travel, anyone being guide in that case. But I'm sure a lot of people gonna love it, not gonna lie this will still be low in my priority list ;p

For weapons, yes I'm currently thinking how to implement something like this and random stashes and for it to not be either insignificant or too broken ;] Thanks!

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Guest - - 700,201 comments

you could set so weapons are tiered based on your rank from rookie to legend, anyway i should not take all the weapons there, only the more common ones, so traders and gamma crafting are still reliable

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Northern_Petrol - - 42 comments

Yesssss, especially regarding buying tools

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unknown_char - - 43 comments

Crypto mining lol)

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fabriziopearl - - 6 comments

Is there any way to be able to save notes? like a diary

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

I heard there are problems with saving strings that are too long, but maybe possible to separate.

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Oktopus - - 81 comments

dude, if you are able to inplement the diary i'll kiss your feet man... always thought about this, even searched for the scripts in some other mods (oblivion lost i think) for this but of course never got anything to run

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

Alright, when I'm done with tasks it will be next ;]

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Oktopus - - 81 comments

only seen it now, thank you so much for the notes option!!!

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Guest - - 700,201 comments

Holy ****, it looks like XXI century has finally came to the Zone!

For trading, it would be cool if NPCs could lure player into a trap, instead of stash there could be an enemy squad spawned.

Also I think this online trading with regular traders is kinda OP, as you can just order anything at any time.

Would it be possible to tie the traders response to player goodwill/rank? As it would be resonable that our Zone business Lord Sidorovich wouldn't bother to prepare an order for some rookie guy and deliver it to the center of the zone.

It would also increase the difficulty at the beginning so player should rely on normal stationary trade or risk beeing scamed/lured into trap.

Anyways, great addon!

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nous-lumi - - 1 comments

It's probably out of this addon, but it would be really cool if the psy bar is way more important than now. like it'll be reduced if you got attacked by a mutant (Especially if possible from a sneaky attack", you can describe it as "Scared" and the only way to recover it by smoking (So drinking and smoking can get another purpose besides for looking cooler(?)).

cuz after we've got the psy helmet, the psy-bar rarely even reduced cuz the only dangerous thing for it is the controller alone. some kind of your Cold systems addon might be cool.

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Guest - - 700,201 comments

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Wang_Laoshi - - 345 comments

Very cool!
About suggestions for new features - I always wanted to have an opportunity to get tasks remotely, useful for non-standard playthrough when you're away from the standard faction base. Would be great if you could make that happen

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

I'll try to take a look at task manager ;]

Reply Good karma+6 votes
Gérard11 - - 25 comments

Nice, well done !

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v0kk3r - - 21 comments

Wow, I didn't knew I wanted this addon.
Since you asked for suggestions:
1. Taking quests remotely from stalkers and faction quest givers. Maybe even make special quests involving stashing items in an specific container.
2. A sort of marketplace or auction tab. If you purchase / Win an item it could get sent into a nearby container and get it marked on your PDA map.
3. Sending out a distress call that would call for nearby friendlies (random chance to attract enemy stalker squads instead.
4. Games: Classic Snake, Tetris, Sokoban ?

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

1. Answered above.
2. Holy, this one is a very good idea, will definitely consider, ty.
3. Another great one, something we definitely need for the world to feel more alive.
4. Snake is hard to code I think, but it was actually the first game I wanted to do and then went with easier ones for the start ;] same probably goes for Tetris.

Thanks man, #2 and #3 will certainly be in my mind for the next features ;]

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nb79 - - 341 comments

what about communicating with quest givers to start or finish quests.
You can 'start quests' in real life by phone so.

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

Task system is too complicated, can't promise anything.

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zoust - - 366 comments


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D_IV - - 93 comments

Я думаю не совру, если скажу, что это АХУЕННА и ИНТЕРАКТИВНО, плевать на лор и реализм, мы всё таки здесь ради удовольствия. По поводу идей - как насчет добавить такого интерактива, как специальные отряды нанятых ГГ убийц / охотников / артхантеров, которые смогут за большую плату выполнять за ГГ квесты, т.е. убивать нужные цели, искать определенные нужные арты в указанных локациях, искать и убивать, лутать определенных мутантов (это вообще возможно, если нужно будет отправлять их на другую локацию для убийства/поиска нужного артефакта/мутантской части, тут влияет оффлайн/онлайн для НПЦ?)

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

Да это через чур.

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DanteKannWeinen - - 4 comments

Слава богу такие как вы поды не делают.

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[𝚛𝚞𝚋𝚢] - - 608 comments

Integration with "track stalkers by name", if possible.
Other than that, maybe paying another squads/stalkers to attack others, kind of like when alpha squads are sent to you, but you pay to get another squad killed by mercs or something.
Sorry if something of above is already done. I literally downloaded this and installed it. Want to see what it does by myself hehe sorry

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

Integrate what exactly? I don't want player to have a debug mode as a feature ;s I want you to pay for it, have a chance and spend time waiting for answers from actual NPCs who actually see the target ;p

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[𝚛𝚞𝚋𝚢] - - 608 comments

Been playing with this couple hoours already. Tought of maybe writing and saving notes on it?
I always feel like we should be able to save text files ingame on the pda and stuff.
Other than that, maybe a calculator? You know, average real pda stuff haha

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EnyoNomad - - 100 comments

Yeah, being able to keep my own diary each life would be a really cool immersive feature. Maybe export the notes to a .txt file automatically too so they don't get deleted in ironman deaths.

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

Why do you need a calculator? xd
About notes, yeah I'll try to come up with something.

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[𝚛𝚞𝚋𝚢] - - 608 comments

Wouldnt you like to know, weather boy...

Usually when I stack up on a lot of meat/pelts/ammo/meds to sell, y actually take out windows calculator and do the thing to have an approximately value about the stuff before deciding if im selling it, or the money doesnt make it up for it.

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Vemn - - 3 comments

How about stash coordinates? We'd ask for any "leftovers", with a chance of being scammed )) Random amount of Rubles for a random amount of loot. Would be useful in case of various emergencies, with a possible twist of not finding what you needed. Preferably limit the coords to current and neighbour locations.

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

Yeah, random stashes are in plans ;]

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[𝚛𝚞𝚋𝚢] - - 608 comments

Reading about this, what about making some of those "scam" stashes, boobytraps. IIRC Last day had something like this? You hear a click when you open the stash and have about a second to get back before you get blown up. Seems kinda immersive to me

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Lynx_20 - - 73 comments

ahhhhh my ******* god finally someone thought about making more **** for the PDA

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seven_or_9 - - 212 comments

yes yes yes yes yes thank you so much little immersive things like this mod go such a long way in the grand tapestry of muh immersion

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Gleb8513 - - 98 comments

I have a couple of ideas.
1. I would like, as nostalgia for the call of Pripyat, to see cells, for my favorite weapon and the strongest mutant or the last killed mutant.
2. In one of the modifications to the call of Chernobyl, I saw the ability to write messages (not through the pda, but through another device), but it would be cool to write a message to someone on the pda and some random npc would answer with any answer, but the messages are certainly not free. The longer the message, the more expensive it is.
3 I also met such an addon, (perhaps it does not apply to the modification of the pda, but still) "News from the mainland", it sends messages to the pda about all the news that occurs in our real world. (having studied this addon, I realized that it works on the link of one site to which the news comes, but the site became not working. (I’ll probably leave a link to download this addon, maybe you can remake it for an anomaly, please

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

1. This is about world interaction mostly, not HUD displaying. "Sorting plus" addon has a feature to mark weapon as favorite.
2. This is not impossible, but will be extremely difficult because it can be based only on the chain of keywords. Maybe in the future.
3. This one is even harder than #2 I think xd

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Radon226 - - 52 comments

When you say that they can lie about information, can they use it to ambush you when you get to the location they mentioned?

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

Not yet, for now they just send you the wrong target's location.

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Guest - - 700,201 comments

Awesome Idea! Like enemy faction making an ambush or something like this

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unknown_char - - 43 comments

This opens doors for hacking opportunities.

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Guest - - 700,201 comments

Is it possible to implement a function that adds map markes in the map? Like the way it works in lost Alpha… that will be great. Thx for your work!

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Neareb - - 68 comments

Yeah I strongly agree with this. Custom map markers would be very helpful, especially when you don't fully loot a stash but want to make a note of what's left in it to pick it up later.

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

I don't know how to place tracker by clicking on PDA map (anywhere you want). It can only be placed on an object ;[

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Guest - - 700,201 comments

Is Groks actor position registerer an option? Maybe to add a marker to the player position… thx for your reply

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

Adding marker to player's location is 1 min script, I just don't think it belongs here then.

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