
This addon allows you to plant remote controlled explosives on the ground or in npcs' pockets and then detonate them using your handheld radio's frequencies.

[Anomaly 1.5.1] Remote Controlled Explosives and Pocket Bombs (v1.0)
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ltsobachiy - - 163 comments

YES! Your mods are GOLDEN CHEESE, SIR!

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fhti - - 13 comments


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EricSol - - 280 comments

fcking legend

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Markuzkiller - - 342 comments

Bro, girl name?
It's December already, so...

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ST0NER - - 212 comments

Oh my fcking god, This will be fun... Thanks!!

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Hyle - - 95 comments

Holy ****

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Hyle - - 95 comments

Hey mate, got a question, its possible to create something like a explosive trap for stashes? It explodes when someone opens the stash where its planted. I think it would be funny to use something like that along with this addon

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Chool Author
Chool - - 142 comments

I think i used to have an old piece of code that made my explosives blow up whenever an npc did an animation of picking stuff up near them(That was before i edited npcs' gathering behavior, at that time these ******** were constantly stealing my bombs.)
This could fit your case; however i don't remember if i stored it anywhere, so if i decide to work on that feature, i will have to spend some time to find that function again.
Also, i don't know what would be a good way to tell the game i'm rigging the stash. Adding another option to the context menu would only make it even messier and more inconvenient than it already is.
I might have to save space by connecting these functionalities to some of the radio frequencies.

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AnAsianNoob - - 76 comments

hey so these mods only work in 1.5.1?
i haven't test them on 1.5.1, 1.5.2

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Chool Author
Chool - - 142 comments

I don't play the game on version 1.5.2, so i can't test it myself.
However, i read the list of old mod files that are incompatible with the 1.5.2 version, and it doesn't seem to mention any of the files i modified, so it *should* work fine.
If you are asking if the addons are compatible with versions below 1.5.1, my answer is: i have no idea.
My suggestion is: just try it. Install and test the addons. If they don't work - remove them, otherwise - have fun.
Make sure to use some kind of a mod managing program, otherwise removing these addons will be a huge pain.

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StalkerAnomalyPlayer - - 447 comments

Thank you for the compatibility patches, can't wait to use this!. I was already having so much fun with the IED remotes I'm so hyped to use this now!.

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Harald_ino - - 247 comments

A whole new level of remote mines and explosives.

I used the "remote IED" before which worked good but this one is even better because it builds on already exciting mechanics and items plus it adds new gameplay elements, fantastic work again!

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spetsnazdivision - - 8 comments

It is possible to use it without addon you mention?

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Chool Author
Chool - - 142 comments

Not sure which addon you are talking about.

The "TB'S RF RECEIVER HIDDEN PACKAGE SIDEQUESTS" or "REWORKED RF RECEIVER" addons do their own thing, and my addon can work fine without them, as long as you don't install the patches if you don't have those addons.

The "DEFUSE AND PICKUP YOUR PLANTED EXPLOSIVES" addon is my old addon which only added a mechanic of picking up the bombs, and that is already implemented in this addon, so you don't need it either.

If you only need the proximity mines functionality, it already exists in the base Anomaly game, you don't even need to install any of my addons. It just won't let you pick them up from the ground.

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spetsnazdivision - - 8 comments

I try use it with MO2 and I can't use it because of "Mod structure are broken or something"

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Chool Author
Chool - - 142 comments

Hm, that's weird, it works fine on my side.
Are you installing the correct folder? The structure of the addon's folder should go like MODS\RemoteControlledExplosives\gamedata and so on. If you are also using one of the patches, it should be installed/enabled after that addon.

You could try installing it using JSGME, or even doing it manually. Though i advise against manual installation, as dealing with mod conflicts and removing manually installed addons is difficult and can cause problems.

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Enceladus-117 - - 26 comments

Good God brother, this is amazing along with the other two ones posted. You need an award my guy

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morgannoor1991 - - 495 comments

Lol, this is so crazy I didn't even imagine it. looks fun XD

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American1944 - - 13 comments

someone needs to make it triggered by an nvididia flip phone. you can set the ied's number and then call it in order to explode the ied

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TheMrDemonized - - 1,053 comments

Galaxy note 7 IED soon

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Akimov23 - - 29 comments

This addon seems to have a provlem with stashes, everytime I tried to clear a stash, the game crashed

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Chool Author
Chool - - 142 comments

Stashes work fine on my side, so i can't replicate the problem to even begin trying to find its source. I might need a bit more information from you.

-Do you happen to have the error message? (if it even pops up)
-Are you emptying some special stashes from some other addons, or just normal, base game stashes?
-Did you have any file conflicts with other addons during installation?
-Are you using Anomaly version 1.5.1 or 1.5.2?

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Akimov23 - - 29 comments

Anomaly version is 1.5.1, the stash mod I use is Grok s stash overhaul, and thw error was like this line 191, about treasure manager, and the wrror appeared at the moment when I tried to collect the items from the stash

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Chool Author
Chool - - 142 comments

I just tested that addon, with an old save, and with starting a new game. In both cases it worked fine on my side, so i'm not sure what's the problem here.

It might not even be related to my addon.
Can you try saving your game before looting a stash, checking if it crashes your game, then removing my addon, loading the save and checking if it still crashes without my addon?.

I tested version 2.2.0 of that GSO addon, without any extra patches or optional files that it included. I don't know if your version of that mod is different.

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sensation1995 - - 86 comments

So, there is a crash when Stitch gives you a task to find decoder with RF receiver on trucks cemetery. There is a log:

[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
[error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 191
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : LUA error: ...s.t.a.l.k.e.r anomaly\gamedata\scripts\xr_effects.script:500: attempt to call field 'add_target' (a nil value)

stack trace:

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Chool Author
Chool - - 142 comments

My previous assumption about the source of the error was wrong, so i deleted that part of the text to avoid confusion.

So, i tested both 1.5.1 and 1.5.2 versions of Anomaly with both my addon and the Reworked RF receiver addons, and everything worked fine. I got the task, the radio helped me find the decoder, and i successfully brought it back to Stitch without errors.

For some reason, in your case, when the game is trying to call function add_target in the item_radio.script, it cannot find that function.

And even though both the Reworked rf receiver and mine addons edit that script, that particular function is completely identical to Vanilla Anomaly.

So, i'm sorry to say, i can't replicate the problem, and i have no clue what could be different on your side to make it not work properly.

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sensation1995 - - 86 comments

Понял, буду дальше искать причину у себя. Спасибо.

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malgin141285 - - 320 comments

НЕ МОГУ ПОНЯТЬ ЧТО Я ДЕЛАЮ НЕ ТАК: 1. установил ваш аддон. 2. установил патч для rf рессивера 1.3. в инвентаре при нажатии правой кнопкой на бомбе появились новые строки в меню. но когда я нажимаю на кнопку подствольника то игра вылетает. подскажите что делать?

Expression : <no expression>
Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
Line : 191
Description : fatal error
Arguments : LUA error: ...aly зимняя\gamedata\scripts\quick_scope_equipping.script:22: attempt to index local 'weapon' (a nil value)

stack trace:

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Chool Author
Chool - - 142 comments

Скорее всего конфликт с аддоном, добавляющим файл quick_scope_equipping.script.
Вероятно при нажатии кнопки гранатомета он пытается активировать определенную функцию на оружии, но вместо нужного ему оружия у вас в руках радио, поэтому он не находит его и выдает ошибку.

Если проблема того мода чисто в использовании функции гранатомета в неправильный момент, то я могу попытаться сделать кнопку сменяемой на любую другую, что скорее всего исправит этот конфликт, но мне нужно время, чтобы научиться внедрять аддон конфигурации MCM в мой аддон.

Попробуй пока поменять строчку 469 в txr_mines.script
bind == key_bindings.kWPN_FUNC

bind == key_bindings.kWPN_FIREMODE_PREV

Тогда у тебя она должна будет активироваться на одну из кнопок смены режима стрельбы оружия, вместо кнопки гранатомета.

Отпишись, если сработает.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
malgin141285 - - 320 comments

спасибо. все заработало. отличный аддон

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yuriyw2 - - 80 comments

Какая жалость,что кнопки не переиначить

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Chool Author
Chool - - 142 comments

Я так и не научился добавлять опцию смены кнопок в меню, но их можно сменить в коде самостоятельно.

К примеру, если необходимо установить функцию детонации на кнопку U, нужно изменить строку 474 в файле txr_mines.script таким образом:

bind == key_bindings.kWPN_FUNC

key == DIK_keys.DIK_U

"DIK_U" в данном случае это обозначение клавиши U.

Список обозначений клавиш можно посмотреть здесь(столб DIK ID):

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yuriyw2 - - 80 comments

Я это уже видел у вас.Но: 1.кнопка U задействована для быстрой разрядки а; 2.где этот файл? А вы не можете как-то настройку кнопки вынести в МСМ-меню ?

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Chool Author
Chool - - 142 comments

Кнопка U тут лишь как пример, я не просто так дал ссылку на лист остальных кнопок.

путь к файлу:

Если ты пользуешься MO2, то тебе надо изменить этот файл в самой папке мода.

Иначе, по тому-же пути в файлах игры.

Как я сказал выше, я так и не научился добавлять это в виде опции. Я уже потратил всё лето на эти моды, и не могу позволить себе потратить еще несколько недель на одну ��пцию, когда есть другие варианты.

Технически возможно вывести опцию в основном меню игры, так как она даёт 3 дополнительных места для кнопок моддеров, но если другие моды уже пользуются ими, то будут конфликты.

Будет меньше головной боли, если просто изменить эту настройку в выше упомянутом файле.

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yuriyw2 - - 80 comments

Ты невнимательно читаешь.Есть такой мод "МСМ-меню",который специально создан для остальных модеров,чтоб они добавляли в него свои кнопки,а не в меню игры.

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Chool Author
Chool - - 142 comments

Ты же видел мои другие моды с MCM меткой, очевидно что я знаю про него. Третий раз говорю, я просто не научился пользоваться этой функцией данного мода.

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yuriyw2 - - 80 comments

Я ведь думал,что ты в игровую функцию настройки клавиш не можешь.А спросить совета автора того мода гордость не позволяет?

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Chool Author
Chool - - 142 comments

Скорее отсутствие особой необходимости. Я потратил на моды достаточное количество времени, а проблем со сменой кнопок через код у людей не было до текущего момента.
Даже если я спрошу совета, мне всё равно потребуется время на внедрение дополнительной функции и в интерфейс, и затем в тестирование и настройку её работы со скриптом. Не говоря уже о необходимости снова паковать, загружать и переписывать описание для новой версии файла.
Я не хочу тратить несколько часов на то, что пользователь может решить за 5 минут.

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yuriyw2 - - 80 comments

Дело,конечно хозяйское.Делайте как считаете нужным.Но Вы ведь не остановитесь на этом.И в будущем может это пригодиться.

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Enceladus-117 - - 26 comments

Playing on 1.5.2 and facing an issue with Butterfly mines, they just don't seem to function. All of them are duds. IEDs work fine though

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Chool Author
Chool - - 142 comments

I can't reproduce the issue, my mines explode just fine.

Though there is a known bug in the game that sometimes makes butterfly mines disappear when you plant them(I assume they just accidentally fall under the ground due to their small hitbox). Try planting the mines on a different surface and see if it's visible. If you can't find it, you likely won't see it explode.

Unfortunately, if that's the bug you're having, i don't know what to do to fix it. I tried using commands to teleport these mines above the character, but it either didn't work at all, or the game despawned the mines before the command could take effect.
(Also, if you are somehow having a different bug, i can't really help with it either, because i can't reproduce it to find what causes it.)

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Enceladus-117 - - 26 comments

No, the issue was that you couldn't arm the mines to begin with.
It seems that it conflicted with your defuse mod. Turned it off and now works like a charm :)
So ig no need for the previous defuse mod as it was implemented with this one. Thanks for the reply and great mods!

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Enceladus-117 - - 26 comments

Ok I found some new revelation. It seems that the explosives sold by the traders are all duds. But the ones spawned from the debug menu are functional. Am not sure about the ones looted from bodies tho. Running on Gamma btw.

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Chool Author
Chool - - 142 comments

I never played with the addon on Gamma, so not sure how explosives work in there.
I remember that in 1.5.1 crafted mines were different from mines sold by traders and didn't work at all, but this should've been fixed in 1.5.2 version.
Perhaps Gamma has some other changes that also affect the mines.

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Sheoji - - 35 comments

Sorry for necro, but I fixed this issue for myself recently, so I'm sharing it:

In the great wisdom developers of anomaly instead of patching the regular IED just made duplicates and gave them '_new' name. So old ones are now duds. Some mods are old enough to ignore this information and might operate with old names in mind.

You gonna have to check all modded files for traders, loot, and maybe craft to add _new to IED name. EX: 'mine_new'.

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swolzer - - 25 comments

this will be great for clearing out huge camps like merc base

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TheDailyXPerience - - 214 comments

Can't install via MO2.

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Chool Author
Chool - - 142 comments

I can't give much help with this amount of information.
Does it give an error?
Did you extract the addon correctly and choose the proper install path?

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TheDailyXPerience - - 214 comments

It says "You can install this addon by placing files manually, or, what is more recommended, using MO2 or JSGME."

So I downloaded the zip through the download here button above. Then in MO2, clicked install a new mod from an archive, then it said, "The content of <Anomaly> does not look valid".

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Chool Author
Chool - - 142 comments

If you just told the mod organizer to use the archive, it won't work because the archive contains more files than just the mod itself.

The folder from the archive, that has to be installed, is "RemoteControlledExplosives"

Also make sure you chose the correct installation path. It should be the game's main folder, the one that contains the game's launcher and folders like "gamedata".

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