ESO's Governing Bodies

ESO's ruling body is its Council, which delegates day to day responsibility to the Executive under ESO's Director General. Other governing bodies of ESO are: the Finance Committee (FC), the Scientific Technical Committee (STC), the Observing Programmes Committee (OPC) and the Users Committee (UC).

Information about the meeting dates of the various committees is available via the meetings calender below. Please note that in most cases committees documents have restricted access and are password protected.

ESO procedures (password protected):

Council and Committee Meetings in 2024

Council Cou 166 (extraordinary): 6 March Cou 167: 4-5 June Cou 168: 3-4 Dec  
Committee of Council CoC 104: 5-6 Mar CoC 105: 8-9 Oct    
Finance Committee FC 172: 7-8 May FC 173 (extraordinary): 24 September FC 174: 5-6 Nov


Scientific Technical Committee STC 104: 23-24 Apr STC 105: 22-23 Oct    
ESAC: 29 Feb ESAC: 8-9 Oct    
ESC: 9-10 Apr ESC: 14-15 Oct      
LSP: 18-19 Apr LSP:  10-11 Oct    
Observing Programmes Committee OPC 114: 21-22 May OPC 115: 19 Nov
Users Committee UC: 25-26 Apr      
ELT Management Advisory Committee (EMAC)        

Council and Committee Meetings in 2023

Council and Committee Meetings in 2022

Council and Committee Meetings in 2021

Council and Committee Meetings in 2020

Council and Committee Meetings in 2019

Council and Committee Meetings in 2018

Council and Committee Meetings in 2017

Council and Committee Meetings in 2016

Council and Committee Meetings in 2015

Council and Committee Meetings in 2014

Council and Committee Meetings in 2013

Council and Committee Meetings in 2012

Overview of Previous Meetings