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T-Mobile Has Officially Lived Long Enough To Become The Villain; + more notable news

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Gentoo Convert
Premium Member
Fort Smith, AR

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Astro Robot

I think we need to crown Amazon as the new undisputed king of e-waste. With Google coming in a close second. Apple has been surpassed in this regard. At least Apple leaves old devices functional, should they still serve the needs of the user, with older software, of course.


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TMobile the Villain

Last but not least.. TMO. I remember when they were the bottom of the pit for cell phone providers. A co-worker who left Sprint to jump to TMO back in 2002 talked about how bad the company was as far as support for field techs and how they were just dirt poor.

Fast forward to now. At the end of the day, it comes down to revenue. TMO is pulling in more money for it's investors and just like crack, they are hooked. So, I doubt we will see them return to the Un-anything and have become just another company taking a seat at tge lets screw over the customers because we got them by the privates table, just like AT&T and Verizon did for years (and still do IMO). They couldn't be happy with slow growth and raking in the customers, but it appears they want both. They will end up like Sprint, selling capacity to MVNO's just to make ends meet when people realize how the value that was once there, left with John Legere. All the providers will figure out a way to keep customers from leaving as much as the govt, in it's controlling ways, are trying to make it easier for people to leave.

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Best streaming devices

Again, another subjective list of pretty much whats on the shelves at your local outlet. Not ONE android or "off brand" box listed and I'm sure from what I've seen online, there are lots of boxes out there which could make the list.

I'm a roku person myself as I've vested in the little BOXES vs the sticks. I do have a high end fire stick outside on a tv that works well. What these reviews don't do is take into account the companies TOS and track record for chipping away at customers privacy. OH, and as far as Roku's go, I'd give them and any other box that forces their OWN advertising on paused screens (for example).