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Bleeding Subscribers, Cable Companies Force Their Way Into Streaming; + more notable news

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Cablecos and streaming

you know, after Paypal/Venmo was clearly not going away, the banks decided they needed to compete on their own--and along came Zelle.

Cablecos either creating their own streaming services, or having exclusives, is not surprising. Of course, entertainment isn't a fungible like money; there's no way the cablecos can compete, IMHO. First off, their customer base of younger people don't even know what television is. The cablecos might as well be trying to sell buggy whips. "What do you mean my internet provider also sells streaming? That's insane. I have Netflix and Hulu."

Secondly, the cablecos don't know anything but their legacy model. They will try to twist streaming into something that more resembles what they're comfortable with, as the article suggests--"confusing rates and services that some may not need...We’ve been bundling video successfully and creatively for 60 years, and so this is the latest iteration of that." That's codeword for "we will screw this up royally while sticking our heads in the sand about what customers really want". For us older folks, it takes zero imagination to see that coming.