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After Nearly 16 Million Fraudulent Calls Were Made, The FCC Might Shut Down This Telco; + more notable news

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Paramount removing content

I just don't understand why the hoopla about Paramount choosing not to make any of their archives available to the public.

Move on already.

Gentoo Convert
Premium Member
Fort Smith, AR

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Number lock

Why is it that when Google or Apple does something, it is touted as revolutionary? Now I'm not denying that it is a good step to take and that all carriers should follow suit, but Verizon has been doing this for years. I know this because I've had to port a few numbers out of Verizon and the first thing you have to do is disable the number lock.

Fair and Balanced
Premium Member
Katy, TX

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Paramount agrees to merge with Skydance

»www.cnn.com/2024/07/08/m ··· dex.html

Parmount has been killing off Star Trek with horrible writing and producing. Same with Quantum Leap. Hopefully this brings meaningful change.
Currently paramount plus does not have enough good content to justify their subscription prices and they are holding a few good shows hostage.

David Ellison seems to be a star trek fan and they talked about start trek in their future plans.
said by »trekmovie.com/2024/07/08 ··· -future/ :
Today’s announcement and investor call also commits the new Paramount to “rebuild” Paramount+, the streaming home of Star Trek, with “best-in-class technology and modernized infrastructure.” The new plan calls to evaluate investment in Paramount+ “with a focus on profitability and partnerships in the rapidly changing environment,” which is consistent with Paramount’s previously announced plan to find a joint venture partner for the streaming service. During today’s call, incoming Paramount president Jeff Shell talked about seeing Paramount+ as part of an “ultimate bundle.” He also indicated they will be looking at more licensing deals and “windowing” strategies for Paramount-owned content, which could lead to Star Trek streaming originals showing up beyond Paramount+. Today’s investor presentation noted Star Trek as one of the key franchises for the new Paramount, including a plan to “reevaluate” franchises to fuel a “powerful and repeatable IP ecosystem.” Today Ellison also talked about unifying franchises across TV, film, and interactive media, which could potentially lead to a more comprehensive Star Trek Universe. It should also be noted that the new leadership said they had identified $2 billion in cost-saving across Paramount Global to get the company’s debt under control.