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Ontario vehicle license will be renewed automatically as of July 1

If you have current insurance coverage and no outstanding fines your vehicle license plate will be renewed automatically 90 days before it is set to expire. This was announced on June 26, to be effective July 1.
Ottawa, ON




Also worth noting that they're supposed to notify owners that there's an issue to be resolved (I think it's 90 days?) before the renewal is due so you can address them.

What worries me is that the city of Ottawa has a lot of automated traffic enforcement. Speed cameras, red light cameras, etc... How are we certain that the company they're hiring is going to properly clear the record? I object to automated enforcement in principle, but doubly so when it's done by a private corp that doesn't have accountability for screwups.

(no, i've never gotten a ticket from a camera like that. that I know of. but that's the rub, isn't it?)
Oakville, ON

1 recommendation



Well the companies that operate the speed cameras and such don't do any of the collecting, or notifying, all tickets and fines etc come from the municipality.

I sadly know this from experience. Good thing around here the cameras don't last a week. Must be good to be a speed camera salesperson.

play lordsgame com | Phone Cops are real

2 recommendations



said by Art:

Good thing around here the cameras don't last a week.

Vandalism is not a good thing ..
Ottawa, ON

2 recommendations



said by g121:

Vandalism is not a good thing ..

Nope, but I'd be lying if I said the thought of going & smearing vaseline on the lenses in the middle of the night had never occurred to me.

I object to automated enforcement, but we wouldn't have it if people actually followed the rules of the road. Driving in this city has gotten a *lot* worse in the last 5 years especially, and if the bad drivers have to start paying an idiot tax... well, I get why some people support the cameras. What kills me is how people actually get caught by them -- they put up big signs warning that there's a speed camera ahead, and the list of lights with a red light camera in Ottawa is extremely well publicized (and signed). At that point, if you're actually getting dinged, whose fault is it?

Inquire within
Premium Member

Thane_Bitter to taraf

Premium Member

to taraf
Not speeding helps but I know of some cases in which a municipality had made changes to the road and signage while legal to do so was done entirely to maximize ticket generation rather than punish problem drivers.

The fallout from this will be the same as it was when the province threw away billions on renewal fees, many drivers driving around on expired plates because they forgot they had to renew manually; only this time around it will be due to outstanding fees that an automatic renew didn't happen and they will ignore any emails, or mailings which inform them of outstanding fines.
St Catharines, ON

4 recommendations

Artwebb1986 to Art


to Art
said by Art:

Good thing around here the cameras don't last a week.

Because you like paying more for stuff Because e some fucking idiots feel like cutting them down all the time? Or better yet how about people don't fucking speed.

Inquire within
Premium Member

Thane_Bitter to taraf

Premium Member

to taraf
Please don't, the vast majority of installations are done correctly and placed in areas in which speed is a problem. Some drivers seem to be immune to signage, it could be traffic control signs such as no left turns (they do it anyways) and I am sure you have seen people blow through stop signs as if red was a new stealth camouflage. I have even seen one very impatient driver floor it and drive around other cars right in the jaws of one of these cameras because they wanted to go faster, I like to think it nailed them but suspect the system never accounted for such dumb and reckless behavior.
Ottawa, ON

1 recommendation



Rest assured... I'm not going to actually vandalize them. But please allow me my righteous indignation.

Yes, they do get put up in problem areas. But the issue is that the companies that administer them usually sign draconian contracts with the municipality that guarantees a minimum number of tickets issued and has severe penalties for not meeting the quota. That's why municipalities start engaging in shenanigans to increase revenue.

It's a well publicized problem in the states, and I trust the companies selling these systems up here about as much as I do the Americans -- in a lot of cases it's the same company. We've made a Faustian bargain with them, and it's going to come back and hurt us.

Inquire within
Premium Member


Premium Member

Indignant away.
said by taraf:

the companies that administer them usually sign draconian contracts

I did not know that, I do wish it could have been processed in house as that might have allowed for faster processing and ticket mailings which is a prime complaint from offenders. It figures that yet another private-for-profit company be dabbling around in people's personal information, just wait for the "Oopsie, we had a data breach and the entirety of the MTO database was accessed by a third party..." announcement in the future.

"We care about your information just as much as we care about you!" xox - Your corporate overlords.
Oakville, ON

1 recommendation

Art to Artwebb1986


to Artwebb1986
I couldn't care less about the cost. When a road is built with 4 lanes divided by a step-up up median with both sides having a boulevard and 6 foot wide sidewalks, a speed limit of 50 is artificially low.

And the 2 cameras I drive by were not vandalized they went missing. I expect the lake.

Art to taraf


to taraf
They tried shortening the yellow light to get more red light runners here.

Didn't last long.
Ottawa, ON

2 recommendations

taraf to Thane_Bitter


to Thane_Bitter
said by Thane_Bitter:

Indignant away.

said by taraf:

the companies that administer them usually sign draconian contracts

I did not know that, I do wish it could have been processed in house as that might have allowed for faster processing and ticket mailings which is a prime complaint from offenders. It figures that yet another private-for-profit company be dabbling around in people's personal information, just wait for the "Oopsie, we had a data breach and the entirety of the MTO database was accessed by a third party..." announcement in the future.

"We care about your information just as much as we care about you!" xox - Your corporate overlords.

100%. That's my problem with them. There's no real tangible accountability or oversight over the private companies selling the service.
said by Art:

And the 2 cameras I drive by were not vandalized they went missing. I expect the lake.

Lol yeah... I wouldn't want to be caught in the wrong neighbourhood with a sawzall.
said by Art:

They tried shortening the yellow light to get more red light runners here.

Didn't last long.

Pretty sure the highway traffic act actually defines the minimum duration for yellow light. 3s, but with recommended longer durations (up to 5.5s) depending on the speed of traffic -- it's about 4s for a 60km/h road.

But a yellow light has always meant "stop if you can". It's functionally the same as a red light, except that there's grace if you can't stop safely. But assuming you're driving to the conditions & posted speed limit and the light is time correctly, then you absolutely should be able to stop before it turns red.

play lordsgame com | Phone Cops are real
Asus RT-AX86
Grandstream HT812

1 recommendation

g121 to Art


to Art
said by Art:

And the 2 cameras I drive by were not vandalized they went missing. I expect the lake.

To be clear .. in addition to vandalism, theft & destruction is also 'not a good thing' ..
St Catharines, ON

3 recommendations

Artwebb1986 to Art


to Art
said by Art:

I couldn't care less about the cost. When a road is built with 4 lanes divided by a step-up up median with both sides having a boulevard and 6 foot wide sidewalks, a speed limit of 50 is artificially low.

And the 2 cameras I drive by were not vandalized they went missing. I expect the lake.

So you enjoy paying more taxes to cover the cost of some fucking entitled assholes?

How about they just driving the fucking speed limit and then there wouldn't be any issues.

Premium Member
North York, ON

5 recommendations

donoreo to Art

Premium Member

to Art
said by Art:

When a road is built with 4 lanes divided by a step-up up median with both sides having a boulevard and 6 foot wide sidewalks, a speed limit of 50 is artificially low.

Why? Because you say so?
Ottawa, ON

2 recommendations



said by donoreo:

said by Art:

When a road is built with 4 lanes divided by a step-up up median with both sides having a boulevard and 6 foot wide sidewalks, a speed limit of 50 is artificially low.

Why? Because you say so?

Actually it's the psychology of driving, and has been pretty well studied. As a general rule, *everybody* ignores the speed limit & instinctively drives to the conditions. Posting a lower speed limit doesn't lower the average speed -- that's where traffic calming comes into play: chicanes, trees/shrubs that make the road feel narrower, removing high curbs (or curbs entirely), raised intersections, etc... that's how you get people to slow down.

And if you're paying attention, you'll notice that everything I listed is literally the opposite of how we've been building streets in this country for the last 60 years. That's on purpose.

Premium Member

1 recommendation


Premium Member

said by taraf:

said by donoreo:

said by Art:

When a road is built with 4 lanes divided by a step-up up median with both sides having a boulevard and 6 foot wide sidewalks, a speed limit of 50 is artificially low.

Why? Because you say so?

Actually it's the psychology of driving, and has been pretty well studied. As a general rule, *everybody* ignores the speed limit & instinctively drives to the conditions. Posting a lower speed limit doesn't lower the average speed -- that's where traffic calming comes into play: chicanes, trees/shrubs that make the road feel narrower, removing high curbs (or curbs entirely), raised intersections, etc... that's how you get people to slow down.

And if you're paying attention, you'll notice that everything I listed is literally the opposite of how we've been building streets in this country for the last 60 years. That's on purpose.

^This x1000

There are sections of highway I drive on regularly that are identical in construction in their 80km/hr and their 50km/hr or 60km/hr sections - the only difference is what sign MTO plastered up on the side of it - any normal driver driving along wouldn't even think to be looking for a speed limit sign or speed limit change as the road design doesn't indicate it - so you'll likely continue at the 85-90km/hr you were driving which previously was within 10km/hr of the limit and would generally be ignored - but now all of a sudden it's 30-40 over the limit, a $400-$500 ticket, and a bunch of points on your licence.

A quick easy good example is Prince of Wales south Ottawa between Manotick and Rideau Glen - several times back and forth between 80/60/80/60.
Ottawa, ON

1 recommendation



said by Hydraglass:

A quick easy good example is Prince of Wales south Ottawa between Manotick and Rideau Glen - several times back and forth between 80/60/80/60.

Hunt Club, too. If you take it from the 417 all the way to its end at March Rd., it goes 80-70-80-60-80-60-80. And the sign is the only way to know it's changed.
Asus RT-AC88

markuswarren to nomen


to nomen
Good news on auto-renewals.

Speed cameras. Ah yes, static installs, where appropriate are acceptable. Where not appropriate and just a money grab, well, expect damage. But this is really not aimed at Canada, it's just my dislike from england of speed cameras. I've encountered many that were revenue generators, and I'm not alone. There's also the "lovely" average speed signs / cameras on the M25 (likely other motorways too, but that's the one I frequented the most). I've been there at 2am, no traffic or construction, or weather conditions that would require a speed lower than the national speed limit to be in place, but these things were displaying a limit of at least 10 or 15 miles beneath the national speed limit, for many many miles.

The inverse of this is where there should be a speed camera and there isn't one to act as a deterrent to speed. There were some places around where I lived that needed a camera, multiple people having died being hit by vehicles in the same location, but nooooo, council would not put one in, but there were a few in perfect revenue generating areas. Funny that, isn't it.

Premium Member
North York, ON

donoreo to taraf

Premium Member

to taraf
said by taraf:

Actually it's the psychology of driving, and has been pretty well studied. As a general rule, *everybody* ignores the speed limit & instinctively drives to the conditions.

I have always understood this to be just the traffic speed, not the road features. It is safest to drive the same as everyone else, but should they be going that fast because of sidewalks and boulevards? No.
Ottawa, ON



said by donoreo:

I have always understood this to be just the traffic speed, not the road features.

Nah, it's road design. Unless the volume is more than the road's capacity, the average speed doesn't change appreciably whether it's 3am or 3pm. When the capacity isn't enough, that's when you get a traffic jam.

We've got that problem in our neighbourhood -- the main street going through our little corner of suburbia is wide enough to have parking on both sides & still give cars going through the middle enough space to weave if they feel like it (at least 15m wide). It's arrow straight, 1 lane in each direction with an 8" curb, and everything is at least 5m feet back from the road. I almost never see people actually going 50km/h on it.

The city's actually talking about how they can traffic calm it, and just released a study with recommendations they're going to implement. On the list are installing a wide center median, installing "bubbles" at intersections, and putting in raised crosswalks with concrete bollards that jut into what used to be the roadway, while keeping it 2 lanes. Lowering the speed limit isn't even in consideration for how to slow people down.

Ottawa, ON

Lothario to Art


to Art
said by Art:

I couldn't care less about the cost. When a road is built with 4 lanes divided by a step-up up median with both sides having a boulevard and 6 foot wide sidewalks, a speed limit of 50 is artificially low.

And the 2 cameras I drive by were not vandalized they went missing. I expect the lake.

Bingo. Ottawa likes their speed traps.

Premium Member
Kitchener, ON

AppleGuy to g121

Premium Member

to g121
said by g121:

said by Art:

Good thing around here the cameras don't last a week.

Vandalism is not a good thing ..

They are a 'break even' thing in Kitchener, millions collected, millions replacing. Idea it will make school areas safer for children, even if the profit is minimal.

Also, it keeps people employed - welders, electricians, labourers, office staff, etc.

AppleGuy to taraf

Premium Member

to taraf
said by taraf:

Rest assured... I'm not going to actually vandalize them.


And I'm a billionaire.

play lordsgame com | Phone Cops are real
Asus RT-AX86
Grandstream HT812

1 recommendation

g121 to AppleGuy


to AppleGuy
said by AppleGuy:

said by g121:

said by Art:

Good thing around here the cameras don't last a week.

Vandalism is not a good thing ..

They are a 'break even' thing in Kitchener, millions collected, millions replacing. Idea it will make school areas safer for children, even if the profit is minimal.

Also, it keeps people employed - welders, electricians, labourers, office staff, etc.

you forgot the sarcasm/joking tag .... i hope ..

Premium Member

urbanriot to g121

Premium Member

to g121
said by g121:

said by Art:

Good thing around here the cameras don't last a week.

Vandalism is not a good thing ..

No, in this case it's a great thing. People are overwhelmingly in support of disappearing cameras in our area and cheer every time it's posted on social media.

play lordsgame com | Phone Cops are real
Asus RT-AX86
Grandstream HT812

1 edit

3 recommendations



said by urbanriot:

said by g121:

said by Art:

Good thing around here the cameras don't last a week.

Vandalism is not a good thing ..

No, in this case it's a great thing. People are overwhelmingly in support of disappearing cameras in our area and cheer every time it's posted on social media.

another fine law abiding, religious, conservative ..

Inquire within
Premium Member

4 recommendations

Thane_Bitter to urbanriot

Premium Member

to urbanriot
said by urbanriot:

People are overwhelmingly in support of disappearing cameras in our area and cheer every time it's posted on social media.

Why that sounds remarkably like one of these things:
echo chamber [ekō ˌCHāmbər] : an environment in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own, so that their existing views are reinforced and alternative ideas are not considered.

Premium Member
North York, ON

donoreo to taraf

Premium Member

to taraf
said by taraf:

said by donoreo:

I have always understood this to be just the traffic speed, not the road features.

Nah, it's road design. Unless the volume is more than the road's capacity, the average speed doesn't change appreciably whether it's 3am or 3pm. When the capacity isn't enough, that's when you get a traffic jam.

I reject the idea because I cannot see it, I do not do it. I will respect the science behind it and believe it.

I do think differently than a lot of people. I am sure that has been noticed here. I probably come off as elitist at times with my posts about how I cannot relate to apparently common things. It is certainly not an attempt to seem better than anyone else, it is just honesty.