Site Statistics

There are lies, damned lies, and statistics. These are ours:
Content Total
News stories 273 509
Stories of Note 1520
Articles 2577
Logos 278
Screenshot sets 1619
Stories by Editor Total
Blue 256 979
Frans 7892
loonyboi 8638
Supporters 248
Visitors 1 366 034 893
Most Frequent Headlines Total
Out of the Blue 9511
etc. 8483
Hardware Reviews 7513
Game Reviews 6603
Morning Tech Bits 4915
Evening Tech Bits 4664
Into the Black 4663
Morning Consolidation 4654
On Sale 4625
Evening Consolidation 4556
Morning Mobilization 3994
Morning Metaverse 3884
etc., etc. 3878
Evening Metaverse 3790
Morning Safety Dance 3575
Evening Mobilization 3560
Evening Safety Dance 3501
Gatherings & Competitions 3280
Evening Legal Briefs 3158
Morning Legal Briefs 3131
Oldest date with archived news 1996-07-05
Total days (incl. today)* 10228
Total years 28.00
Days with at least one update* 10206
Days without any updates* 22
Forums Total
Users 16 110
Banned users 1434
User ignores 2494
Topics 133 682
Posts 1 438 595
*Days counted since July 28, 1996, because older news was intermittedly deleted.

Statistics (except the month browser) collected and cached once a day, updated at midnight ET. Graphs rendered by Chart.js.