Out of the Blue

As predicted, we had a quiet Independence Day, or relatively quiet, considering this involved fireworks. We did get to watch the local fireworks shows as planned. Steady growth of the tree-line is starting to get in the way of some of the view, but it's hard to complain about getting to enjoy this from the comfort of home. We did have some jackasses setting off explosions nearby. This could have been far worse, but it does make me feel sorry for all the pets being needlessly terrified by people's entitlement to practice their illegal amateur pyrotechnics.

Obituary: RIP: WordPerfect co-founder Bruce Bastian dies at 76 • The Register. Bruce Wayne Bastian. Thanks Devicer.

Quiet Round-up
Thanks Ant, Neutronbeam, and Max.





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22 Replies. 2 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: OotB: Shhhh
Jul 7, 2024, 16:00
Re: OotB: Shhhh Jul 7, 2024, 16:00
Jul 7, 2024, 16:00
Prez wrote on Jul 5, 2024, 17:18:
jdreyer wrote on Jul 5, 2024, 15:47:
Prez wrote on Jul 5, 2024, 12:37:
Every holiday that involves getting the family together reminds me that being isolated and alone isn't that bad after all... 😁
Given that you literally live with your sister, don't you get the family together regularly?

No. My family outside of my little sister doesn't like me very much and I don't like them very much. My little sister mostly leaves me alone and checks in here and there only as necessary because she accepts me for who I am without question. There aren't a lot of sisters like her.
Huh, you strike me as a thoughtful, inoffensive, and compassionate human being. What's not to like?
If Russia stops fighting, the war ends. If Ukraine stops fighting, Ukraine ends. Slava Ukraini!
Avatar 22024
Re: OotB: Shhhh
Jul 5, 2024, 19:35
Re: OotB: Shhhh Jul 5, 2024, 19:35
Jul 5, 2024, 19:35
Prez wrote on Jul 5, 2024, 18:46:
Some of the Cylons were hot AF but I don't think any of them were redheads. So you would hate it.

I would make an exception for Tricia Helfer.
"Just take a look around you, what do you see? Pain, suffering, and misery." -Black Sabbath, Killing Yourself to Live.

“Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains” -Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Avatar 21247
Re: OotB: Shhhh
Jul 5, 2024, 18:46
Re: OotB: Shhhh Jul 5, 2024, 18:46
Jul 5, 2024, 18:46
I just realized it's only because of a stubborn old starship captain who refused to do what the other, younger, "smarter" officers were doing that we are even here! Thank you Admiral Adama! I don't look as badass as you do in a mustache but I'm just like you!

I should be so lucky to live in the world of BSG!

Some of the Cylons were hot AF but I don't think any of them were redheads. So you would hate it.
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
- Mahatma Gandhi
Avatar 17185
Re: OotB: Shhhh
Jul 5, 2024, 18:42
Re: OotB: Shhhh Jul 5, 2024, 18:42
Jul 5, 2024, 18:42
jdreyer wrote on Jul 5, 2024, 15:54:
I think in the world of BSG, you might find yourself out of a job.

Adama: It's an integrated computer network, and I will not have it aboard this ship.
Roslin: I heard you're one of those people. You're actually afraid of computers.
Adama: No, there are many computers on this ship. But they're not networked.

I should be so lucky to live in the world of BSG!
"Just take a look around you, what do you see? Pain, suffering, and misery." -Black Sabbath, Killing Yourself to Live.

“Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains” -Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Avatar 21247
Re: OotB: Shhhh
Jul 5, 2024, 18:07
Re: OotB: Shhhh Jul 5, 2024, 18:07
Jul 5, 2024, 18:07
My sister is kind of broken like I am, so I relate to her in a way and she relates to me in a way that makes us a little bit like 2 sides of the same coin. We might have the occasional disagreement, but I literally get along with her better than any other human being on the planet. She also loves dogs almost as much as I do, and she even let me move in with my 4 cats which basically moves her up to "superhero" status. 😁
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
- Mahatma Gandhi
Avatar 17185
Re: OotB: Shhhh
Jul 5, 2024, 17:57
Re: OotB: Shhhh Jul 5, 2024, 17:57
Jul 5, 2024, 17:57
Prez wrote on Jul 5, 2024, 17:18:
No. My family outside of my little sister doesn't like me very much and I don't like them very much. My little sister mostly leaves me alone and checks in here and there only as necessary because she accepts me for who I am without question. There aren't a lot of sisters like her.
I have two sisters like that. One lives about 10 minutes from me and pretty much the only time I hear from her is when I initiate contact or when our other sister is visiting (the other sister lives roughly 1700 miles away).
“Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.” -- Carl Sagan
Re: OotB: Shhhh
Jul 5, 2024, 17:39
Re: OotB: Shhhh Jul 5, 2024, 17:39
Jul 5, 2024, 17:39
There's far too many selfish shitheels around here setting off fireworks. And many do it for a few days before and after, as well as very late like 12AM, 1AM. All they do is wake up children, old people, and people who have to work regardless, and terrify pets and wildlife. Those fucking things need to be banned. At the very least, proscribe a few areas away from homes and wildlife where the assholes who want to use those goddamned things can all congregate and do it while keeping their disturbing everyone and everything else to a minimum. Have cops and firefighters on hand, most of the problem solved.

Effing lol @ Savage Chickens!

"Van Gogh painted alone and in despair and in madness and sold one picture in his entire life. Millions struggled alone, unrecognized, and struggled as heroically as any famous hero. Was it worthless? I knew it wasn't."
Re: OotB: Shhhh
Jul 5, 2024, 17:18
Re: OotB: Shhhh Jul 5, 2024, 17:18
Jul 5, 2024, 17:18
jdreyer wrote on Jul 5, 2024, 15:47:
Prez wrote on Jul 5, 2024, 12:37:
Every holiday that involves getting the family together reminds me that being isolated and alone isn't that bad after all... 😁
Given that you literally live with your sister, don't you get the family together regularly?

No. My family outside of my little sister doesn't like me very much and I don't like them very much. My little sister mostly leaves me alone and checks in here and there only as necessary because she accepts me for who I am without question. There aren't a lot of sisters like her.
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
- Mahatma Gandhi
Avatar 17185
Re: Morning Legal Briefs
Jul 5, 2024, 16:44
Re: Morning Legal Briefs Jul 5, 2024, 16:44
Jul 5, 2024, 16:44
Mr. Tact wrote on Jul 5, 2024, 16:35:
Rectal Prolapse wrote on Jul 5, 2024, 13:36:
Counterpoint to: https://www.afterbabel.com/p/arent-you-lonely
From the article:
The most common question people ask me when I say I don’t use Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, or TikTok is: aren't you lonely? Aren’t you cut off? How do you stay in touch?

No, no, I don't -- if you want to be in touch with me, text or call me.

These days, those services are known to be lonely. No one posts on them anymore, other than influencers. They've become deserts of actual human connections as Meta, predominantly, has deemphasized people you know for people you do not. Facebook became a ghost town of "suggested for you," and Instagram has done the same.

Tiktok... Was it ever really used by individuals instead of content creators and wannabe content creators?
Re: Morning Legal Briefs
Jul 5, 2024, 16:35
Re: Morning Legal Briefs Jul 5, 2024, 16:35
Jul 5, 2024, 16:35
Rectal Prolapse wrote on Jul 5, 2024, 13:36:
Counterpoint to: https://www.afterbabel.com/p/arent-you-lonely
From the article:
The most common question people ask me when I say I don’t use Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, or TikTok is: aren't you lonely? Aren’t you cut off? How do you stay in touch?

No, no, I don't -- if you want to be in touch with me, text or call me.
“Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.” -- Carl Sagan
Re: OotB: Shhhh
Jul 5, 2024, 16:30
Re: OotB: Shhhh Jul 5, 2024, 16:30
Jul 5, 2024, 16:30
Second Dutch eaglet
The parents are true empty nest'ers.
High Above NYC
They won't be snagging any of my tourist dollars. I be fearing heights.
“We’ve arranged a society on science and technology in which nobody understands anything about science and technology, and this combustible mixture of ignorance and power sooner or later is going to blow up in our faces." Carl Sagan
Avatar 58135
Re: Morning Legal Briefs
Jul 5, 2024, 15:56
Re: Morning Legal Briefs Jul 5, 2024, 15:56
Jul 5, 2024, 15:56
Prez wrote on Jul 5, 2024, 13:49:
Damn RP you sure do know how to harsh my mellow with truth bombs. Get the hell out of here with that crap!

But seriously, yeah, that is sobering and I know it only too well.
That's what you have us for.
If Russia stops fighting, the war ends. If Ukraine stops fighting, Ukraine ends. Slava Ukraini!
Avatar 22024
Re: OotB: Shhhh
Jul 5, 2024, 15:54
Re: OotB: Shhhh Jul 5, 2024, 15:54
Jul 5, 2024, 15:54
Burrito of Peace wrote on Jul 5, 2024, 12:55:

Of course, it highlights a very good reason for me to keep my house as dumb as possible. Everything necessary to human habitation is analog only with no interconnects and no connection to the outside world. Adama would approve.

I think in the world of BSG, you might find yourself out of a job.

Adama: It's an integrated computer network, and I will not have it aboard this ship.
Roslin: I heard you're one of those people. You're actually afraid of computers.
Adama: No, there are many computers on this ship. But they're not networked.
If Russia stops fighting, the war ends. If Ukraine stops fighting, Ukraine ends. Slava Ukraini!
Avatar 22024
Re: OotB: Shhhh
Jul 5, 2024, 15:47
Re: OotB: Shhhh Jul 5, 2024, 15:47
Jul 5, 2024, 15:47
Prez wrote on Jul 5, 2024, 12:37:
Every holiday that involves getting the family together reminds me that being isolated and alone isn't that bad after all... 😁
Given that you literally live with your sister, don't you get the family together regularly?
If Russia stops fighting, the war ends. If Ukraine stops fighting, Ukraine ends. Slava Ukraini!
Avatar 22024
Re: Morning Legal Briefs
Jul 5, 2024, 15:05
Re: Morning Legal Briefs Jul 5, 2024, 15:05
Jul 5, 2024, 15:05
From around the age of 5 I equated being alone solely with not being able to be hurt. It's hard to have any sense of normalcy with such a warped view from such a young age. Even now I long to be with someone when I'm alone, then I can't wait to be alone as soon as I am around someone. So, no I don't just sound crazy - I actually am nuttier than a fucking fruitcake! 🙂
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
- Mahatma Gandhi
Avatar 17185
Re: Morning Legal Briefs
Jul 5, 2024, 14:43
Re: Morning Legal Briefs Jul 5, 2024, 14:43
Jul 5, 2024, 14:43
I think part of the problem, regarding feeling lonely, is that few children are taught to be content within themselves. This is a multi-generational problem. Sure, sure we're "social animals" but that is an extension of ourselves, not the core of whom we are. Or, at least, it shouldn't be. One should be able to sit alone, in silence, and be able to keep their mind occupied with internal stimulation. If you are the first and foremost best friend you have, there isn't a feeling of loneliness. You are always with yourself.
"Just take a look around you, what do you see? Pain, suffering, and misery." -Black Sabbath, Killing Yourself to Live.

“Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains” -Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Avatar 21247
Re: Morning Legal Briefs
Jul 5, 2024, 13:49
Re: Morning Legal Briefs Jul 5, 2024, 13:49
Jul 5, 2024, 13:49
Damn RP you sure do know how to harsh my mellow with truth bombs. Get the hell out of here with that crap!

But seriously, yeah, that is sobering and I know it only too well.
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
- Mahatma Gandhi
Avatar 17185
Re: Morning Legal Briefs
Jul 5, 2024, 13:46
Re: Morning Legal Briefs Jul 5, 2024, 13:46
Jul 5, 2024, 13:46
When we got our doggy as an 8 week old pup, we made sure to play youtube videos with lightning and fireworks. Also played action movies with plenty of explosions. Throw in some treats at random times through the duration.

Pup came out fine and will sleep through anything. Well almost - we didn't expect that he would be hostile towards patio umbrellas. Damn it, should've looped the Ent scenes in The Two Towers, but we didn't have the foresight.
Avatar 58068
Re: Morning Legal Briefs
Jul 5, 2024, 13:36
Re: Morning Legal Briefs Jul 5, 2024, 13:36
Jul 5, 2024, 13:36
Prez wrote on Jul 5, 2024, 12:37:
Every holiday that involves getting the family together reminds me that being isolated and alone isn't that bad after all... 😁

Counterpoint to: https://www.afterbabel.com/p/arent-you-lonely
Avatar 58068
Re: OotB: Shhhh
Jul 5, 2024, 13:00
Re: OotB: Shhhh Jul 5, 2024, 13:00
Jul 5, 2024, 13:00
Heh. Redneckistan. Heh. 😁
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
- Mahatma Gandhi
Avatar 17185
22 Replies. 2 pages. Viewing page 1.
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