Gone Gold - Star Wars Outlaws

A post on X announces development is complete on Star Wars Outlaws, Massive Entertainment's upcoming Force-powered action/adventure. The game is said to be on track for release at the end of August: "Our team can't wait for you to start exploring the Outer Rim and living the life of a scoundrel - August 30 can't come soon enough!" That's still a ways off, but here's the pitch from the official website to get the hype train rolling:
Experience the first-ever open world Star Wars™ game, set between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Explore distinct locations across the galaxy, both iconic and new. Risk it all as Kay Vess, a scoundrel seeking freedom and the means to start a new life, along with her companion Nix. Fight, steal, and outwit your way through the galaxy’s crime syndicates as you join the galaxy’s most wanted.
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80 Replies. 4 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: Gone Gold- Star Wars Outlaws
Jul 16, 2024, 13:40
Re: Gone Gold- Star Wars Outlaws Jul 16, 2024, 13:40
Jul 16, 2024, 13:40
Kxmode wrote on Jul 8, 2024, 17:32:
Prez wrote on Jul 4, 2024, 09:54:
He is dude, she is dude, I am dude, they are dude, we are all dude.

Why do I suddenly have a Dr. Pepper jingle stuck in my head?
Or the ice cream song. 😂

I know I'm 8 days late on this... but this is a Good Burger reference.


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Re: Gone Gold- Star Wars Outlaws
Jul 8, 2024, 17:37
Re: Gone Gold- Star Wars Outlaws Jul 8, 2024, 17:37
Jul 8, 2024, 17:37
RogueSix wrote on Jul 4, 2024, 17:11:
jdreyer wrote on Jul 4, 2024, 16:59:
Kxmode wrote on Jul 4, 2024, 08:03:
RogueSix wrote on Jul 3, 2024, 22:06:
Kxmode wrote on Jul 3, 2024, 22:01:
opie wrote on Jul 3, 2024, 20:38:
Can I play as a dude?
You got to play as a dude in Fallen Order and Survivor.

Calling Cal "Pussyface" Kestis a "dude" is a bit of a stretch.

"Dude" is defined as "a man; a guy." You got to play "a man; a guy." You're using another definition of "dude" that I don't know.
My daughter and her girlfriends call each other dude all the time. For them the term is genderless.

Exactly! The girlies also say "bro" and "bruh" a lot, even if they have no biological brother. It's universal!
Or it could be the entire conversation
"Listen, Peter... with great horsepower comes... the sickest drifts..." - source
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Re: Gone Gold- Star Wars Outlaws
Jul 8, 2024, 17:34
Re: Gone Gold- Star Wars Outlaws Jul 8, 2024, 17:34
Jul 8, 2024, 17:34
RogueSix wrote on Jul 4, 2024, 12:28:
MattyC wrote on Jul 4, 2024, 09:30:
RedEye9 wrote on Jul 4, 2024, 09:02:
I'm not going to be watching "Andor" anytime soon.
Your loss.

Yeah, I am not sure why one would want to skip Andor. It was actually pretty good.

So, does Andor have Ewoks like Endor or does it have Awoks?
Andor does not have aWokes.
"Listen, Peter... with great horsepower comes... the sickest drifts..." - source
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Re: Gone Gold- Star Wars Outlaws
Jul 8, 2024, 17:32
Re: Gone Gold- Star Wars Outlaws Jul 8, 2024, 17:32
Jul 8, 2024, 17:32
Prez wrote on Jul 4, 2024, 09:54:
He is dude, she is dude, I am dude, they are dude, we are all dude.

Why do I suddenly have a Dr. Pepper jingle stuck in my head?
Or the ice cream song. 😂
"Listen, Peter... with great horsepower comes... the sickest drifts..." - source
Avatar 18786
Re: Gone Gold- Star Wars Outlaws
Jul 8, 2024, 17:31
Re: Gone Gold- Star Wars Outlaws Jul 8, 2024, 17:31
Jul 8, 2024, 17:31
MattyC wrote on Jul 4, 2024, 09:30:
RedEye9 wrote on Jul 4, 2024, 09:02:
I'm not going to be watching "Andor" anytime soon.
Your loss.

Yeah, I am not sure why one would want to skip Andor. It was actually pretty good.
It also greatly expands on the Rogue One film, but it does so in a respectful way for the fans and audience. I don't recall any pandering in the series. It's a mature Star Wars without the R-rating.
"Listen, Peter... with great horsepower comes... the sickest drifts..." - source
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Re: Gone Gold - Star Wars Outlaws
Jul 7, 2024, 21:23
Re: Gone Gold - Star Wars Outlaws Jul 7, 2024, 21:23
Jul 7, 2024, 21:23
Sepharo wrote on Jul 6, 2024, 18:44:
I'm only here to tell Prez to watch Andor.

LOL I am in a holding pattern until my son remembers to text me his Disney+ password. I wouldn't be me if I didn't forget a password about 10 times. 🙂
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
- Mahatma Gandhi
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Re: Gone Gold - Star Wars Outlaws
Jul 7, 2024, 16:12
Re: Gone Gold - Star Wars Outlaws Jul 7, 2024, 16:12
Jul 7, 2024, 16:12
jdreyer wrote on Jul 7, 2024, 15:57:
I found Skarsgard distracting in Dune
Huh Mad
He has nothing on the miscasting of Christopher Walken in D2.
Talk about having your underwear forcibly ripped off while wearing tight fitting jeans. My cowbells still hurt.
“We’ve arranged a society on science and technology in which nobody understands anything about science and technology, and this combustible mixture of ignorance and power sooner or later is going to blow up in our faces." Carl Sagan
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Re: Gone Gold - Star Wars Outlaws
Jul 7, 2024, 15:57
Re: Gone Gold - Star Wars Outlaws Jul 7, 2024, 15:57
Jul 7, 2024, 15:57
Sepharo wrote on Jul 6, 2024, 18:44:
I'm only here to tell Prez to watch Andor.
I'm actually looking forward to rewatching later this year. There's a lot of nuance and detail I think I missed the first time around. Great cast too, I found Skarsgard distracting in Dune (the only casting choice I didn't like), but he's sublime in Andor. And then there are all the great character actors, and all the new actors who are perfect for their parts, and the great locations which are both visually and functionally distinct. They really did a great job.
If Russia stops fighting, the war ends. If Ukraine stops fighting, Ukraine ends. Slava Ukraini!
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Re: Gone Gold - Star Wars Outlaws
Jul 6, 2024, 18:44
Re: Gone Gold - Star Wars Outlaws Jul 6, 2024, 18:44
Jul 6, 2024, 18:44
I'm only here to tell Prez to watch Andor.
Avatar 17249
Re: Gone Gold - Star Wars Outlaws
Jul 6, 2024, 13:49
Re: Gone Gold - Star Wars Outlaws Jul 6, 2024, 13:49
Jul 6, 2024, 13:49
I can't speak for outrside California...but in California....Dude is everything. A guy is a dude. A girl is a dude. Your friend is a dude. Your mom is a dude. The sink is a dude. Instead of yelling "FUCK", we grumble "dude...". There is nothing gender specific about dude.
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Re: Gone Gold - Star Wars Outlaws
Jul 5, 2024, 00:26
Re: Gone Gold - Star Wars Outlaws Jul 5, 2024, 00:26
Jul 5, 2024, 00:26
Cool, looking forward to some reviews of the finished game, although I will probably wait for a decent sale before I pick it up.

Division 2 gameplay + Star Wars flavor could easily burn a few hundred hours for me. Yes, of course there will be some Ubisoft towers to climb or whatever.

As far as Acolyte, it has the best lightsaber fights so far in all of live action Star Wars, but you have to suffer through 4-5 episodes of sub par writing to get to it.

Andor is easily the best thing that's ever been done in the Star Wars universe, and an extremely strong show even outside the realm of Star Wars... it has almost no mention of the Jedi or Sith at all. Stellan Skarsgard has an absolutely killer speech in Andor that makes the show watching for it alone, and (almost) every character is extremely well written and acted. Top notch job all around, which makes the other Star Wars movies and shows look that much worse, unfortunately.
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Re: Gone Gold - Star Wars Outlaws
Jul 5, 2024, 00:10
Re: Gone Gold - Star Wars Outlaws Jul 5, 2024, 00:10
Jul 5, 2024, 00:10
jdreyer wrote on Jul 4, 2024, 17:16:
Xeth Nyrrow wrote on Jul 4, 2024, 11:01:
RedEye9 wrote on Jul 4, 2024, 10:08:
Pre-Order or w/an Ubisoft+ subscription
How about neither.
You misspelled, "Fuck off"

I think I will like this game but it's hard to even think about paying full AAA price for a game these days. Unfortunately it'll be a while until this gets a decent enough discount.
Sweet avatar pic.
Thanks, it's a pic I found while searching for lightning which is my favorite force of nature.
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Re: Gone Gold- Star Wars Outlaws
Jul 4, 2024, 23:20
Re: Gone Gold- Star Wars Outlaws Jul 4, 2024, 23:20
Jul 4, 2024, 23:20
You better start watching Acolyte again. “All these plot issues”. There are 5 more episodes to explain plot issues. The show is a Mystery. It will be explained. The show has become awesome with some of the best light saber combat we have seen.
Re: Gone Gold- Star Wars Outlaws
Jul 4, 2024, 20:46
Re: Gone Gold- Star Wars Outlaws Jul 4, 2024, 20:46
Jul 4, 2024, 20:46
I'll watch Andor because so many people recommend it. But understand that if I hate it (I don't go into watching a show with any preconceived notions, but it is possible) you're not allowed to hate me. 😁

I am not a contrarian, but I'm known for having a dissenting opinion - I am the guy who said that "Redfall" was good, "Gollum" was nowhere near as bad as it was made out to be, and I HATED "The Last of Us 2" after all. 🤪
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
- Mahatma Gandhi
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Re: Morning Legal Briefs
Jul 4, 2024, 20:22
Re: Morning Legal Briefs Jul 4, 2024, 20:22
Jul 4, 2024, 20:22
Andor is not bad at all. Better than Mandalorian (at least, after Mando's season 1).

I don't have any issues with Eldaron's comments - but then again, in terms of Big Five personality traits, I'm more open/agreeable than most people.
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Re: Gone Gold- Star Wars Outlaws
Jul 4, 2024, 20:04
Re: Gone Gold- Star Wars Outlaws Jul 4, 2024, 20:04
Jul 4, 2024, 20:04
jdreyer wrote on Jul 4, 2024, 13:34:
Cutter wrote on Jul 4, 2024, 00:21:
opie wrote on Jul 3, 2024, 20:38:
Can I play as a dude?

Yeah, yeah, dude looks like a lady...though. Why have they never made an Empire game where you actually get to go around getting rid of rebel scum? That would be way more entertaining. Maybe start off as a standard stormtrooper grunt and work your way up to the dude that gets to fire the big laser on the Death Star, 'So long, Alderaan!'.
Aren't there two Forced Unleashed games where you play as Sith?

Yeah, but they aren't Empire anymore than the Jedi are Rebels. And I'm not talking about mystical magic warriors, just rank and file humans working their way up from grunt to uber-grunt.

And yes, Prez, watch Andor. It's the only Star Wars they've made outside of ESB that is targeted at an adult market. It's actually really good.
"Van Gogh painted alone and in despair and in madness and sold one picture in his entire life. Millions struggled alone, unrecognized, and struggled as heroically as any famous hero. Was it worthless? I knew it wasn't."
Re: Gone Gold- Star Wars Outlaws
Jul 4, 2024, 18:27
Re: Gone Gold- Star Wars Outlaws Jul 4, 2024, 18:27
Jul 4, 2024, 18:27
Prez wrote on Jul 4, 2024, 15:10:
Eldaron I was going on memory that what you quoted was what Redeye had as his signature. Hence my comment. Going on memory is a dicey proposition for me however, so I might have gotten that wrong and if so I am sorry.

Do I find all the political bickering annoying? Yes. It has less to do with that it happens and more to do with how often it happens. More to the point is that you shouldn't have to worry about what does or doesn't annoy me. This isn't my board anymore than it is anyone else's not named Blue; I can't tell you what to do. I am of the opinion that if all of your posts are reactionary and politically-motivated you might want to find a website that caters specifically to that brand of discussion, but I keep getting ridiculed for saying that so feel free to ignore me. I probably shouldn't have said anything, but I was trying to be helpful. Honestly that was my intention. I will throw in a small suggestion though: rightly or wrongly you have clearly been labeled as someone who doesn't need to be debated respectfully by certain members. I have a number of those kinds of 'fans' too. My ignore list is full of them if you take my meaning. Anyway sorry for butting in.

Thanks for the advice, Prez. I'm not sure why, but I never block people. If I would, it would certainly save me a hell of a lot of frustration. Not frustration due to personal attacks, but the frustration of the inability of some people to look past their ideologies and just engage with others as human beings.

Trust me when I say I truly come here to read and talk about games. But fuck me, it doesn't take a bloodbound to sniff out all the political comments everywhere. My claim that most of my comments are reactionary is the truth, and that should matter.

Back on game topic: I'm OK with this non-sexy protagonist. It doesn't distract me. I think the new Fable is more of a problem for me. That's gonna be an RPG in which I'd really like to just build my own character and immerse myself fully. That only works best with a male character for me. Lack of imagination, I guess.
In a godless society, nothing is sacred.
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Re: Gone Gold- Star Wars Outlaws
Jul 4, 2024, 18:13
Re: Gone Gold- Star Wars Outlaws Jul 4, 2024, 18:13
Jul 4, 2024, 18:13
jdreyer wrote on Jul 4, 2024, 17:23:
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jul 4, 2024, 14:46:
I'm not trolling. Like I said to Beamer earlier, I can claim with confidence that most of my politically laden comments are reactionary.
Was your first comment in this thread reactionary?

No. That's why I say "most" instead of "all".
In a godless society, nothing is sacred.
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Re: Gone Gold- Star Wars Outlaws
Jul 4, 2024, 17:23
Re: Gone Gold- Star Wars Outlaws Jul 4, 2024, 17:23
Jul 4, 2024, 17:23
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Jul 4, 2024, 14:46:
I'm not trolling. Like I said to Beamer earlier, I can claim with confidence that most of my politically laden comments are reactionary.
Was your first comment in this thread reactionary?
If Russia stops fighting, the war ends. If Ukraine stops fighting, Ukraine ends. Slava Ukraini!
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Re: Gone Gold - Star Wars Outlaws
Jul 4, 2024, 17:16
Re: Gone Gold - Star Wars Outlaws Jul 4, 2024, 17:16
Jul 4, 2024, 17:16
Xeth Nyrrow wrote on Jul 4, 2024, 11:01:
RedEye9 wrote on Jul 4, 2024, 10:08:
Pre-Order or w/an Ubisoft+ subscription
How about neither.
You misspelled, "Fuck off"

I think I will like this game but it's hard to even think about paying full AAA price for a game these days. Unfortunately it'll be a while until this gets a decent enough discount.
Sweet avatar pic.
If Russia stops fighting, the war ends. If Ukraine stops fighting, Ukraine ends. Slava Ukraini!
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80 Replies. 4 pages. Viewing page 1.
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