The First Templar Trailer

A new trailer from The First Templar shows off the combat skills of Celian d'Arestide in Haemimont Games' upcoming action/adventure. Word is: "Celian, the game's lead character, is a powerful melee fighter who can deal massive punishment to his enemies with his Templar sword and fighting combos." Here's the embedded clip.

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Apr 20, 2011, 08:43
No subject Apr 20, 2011, 08:43
Apr 20, 2011, 08:43
Makes me want to sing,"who wants to live forever?" Yes, I love netflix!:)I have been watching the Highlander series recently. Now, back on topic. Looks pretty good. The animation is a lot better than Rift, that much is certain. Graphics are nice; not bad for a small outfit. Grats!:) "There can only be one!"

This comment was edited on Apr 20, 2011, 08:48.
Re: The First Templar Trailer
Apr 20, 2011, 03:53
Re: The First Templar Trailer Apr 20, 2011, 03:53
Apr 20, 2011, 03:53
Looks like some nice moves but it all depends on how intuitive verses automatic (console) at least for me.

I can see Witcher 2 being a buy at release, but Fable I just couldn't do it. I want some reviews first, especially after Fable II. Though honestly not in any hurry to buy a m$ game on release day (week...err month).
Scorpio Slasher: ... What about you boy, what do hate?
Marcus: ... Bullies. Tiny d*ck egotists who hurt people for no reason, make people lock their doors at night. People who make general existence worse, people like you.
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Re: The First Templar Trailer
Apr 19, 2011, 22:56
Re: The First Templar Trailer Apr 19, 2011, 22:56
Apr 19, 2011, 22:56
Releasing this the same paycheck as Witcher 2 and Fable 3 is not really a good idea.
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