
For more than 20 years Battlefront has provided a space for people to discuss all things relating to Combat Mission and subject matter portrayed by it.  We pride ourselves on having productive, respectful discussions with each other and with those who have worked on the inside of Combat Mission's development.  You do not have to join to view the dicussions or search the hundreds of thousands of posts we've racked up over the years. Forums

This is the all around best place to visit if you have technical or general game related questions.  Battlefront staff and testers are frequently directly involved in discussions and answering questions. You do not need an account to search for and read postings, but registration is required to interact with others on the Forum.

Combat Mission Mods and Scenarios

Over the years many fantastic player made Scenarios and Mods ("modifiers") have been created for others to enjoy.  We are very fortunate to have a dedicated group of players who have not only consistently kept these files avaialble for you to download, but also shown a comittment to imporving the ease of access to them.  You can see for yourself here:

Combat Mission Scenarios
Combat Mission Mods