DS line back on top of Japanese hardware sales

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 09 Apr 2010 3:21 User comments (1)

DS line back on top of Japanese hardware sales

Sales of the Nintendo DS line, including the DS Lite, DSi, and DSi LL have combined to retake the top spot in the Japanese hardware market, closely followed by the PSP.
The DS series sold 41,219 units for the week ended April 4th, with the Sony PS3 close behind at 38,877 units sold.

The PSP-300 handheld, and the DS' biggest rival, sold 37,445 units, but when adding the minuscule sales of the PSPGo (1803 units), it outsold the PS3 and almost rivaled the DS.

The Wii continued to lag in fourth, with 30,938 units sold, and the Xbox 360 held the bottom with a measly 2676 units sold.

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1 user comment

110.4.2010 07:16

i simply dont get how people continue to buy this..forgive me for lack of better word s**t console when a new one comes out every 6 months..not to mention the fact that its already known that a new one is in the making (probably the "fat version" to be followed by a slimmer version 6 months later)

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