Sony PlayStation Portable

Sony PlayStation Portable
280 g
Manufacturer: Sony | Product category: Handheld game consoles
Product is also sold under the name: Sony PSP
Weight 280 g
Dimensions (W x H x D) 170 mm x 74 mm x 23 mm
Resolution 480 x 272
Number of screens 1
Touch screen No
TV output Yes
Microphone Yes
UPC / EAN code(s) 4948872411516

  Rating: 4 / 5 Value for money: 4 / 5

Its awesome. Great for traveling.

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  Rating: 5 / 5 Value for money: 5 / 5

It's good.

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  Rating: 5 / 5 Value for money: 4 / 5

In my opinion, easily one of the best handheld console to date. The only problem is the amount of piracy that kills this console. The lack of third party developers hurts not the sales, but new games that are made with the PSP. The best feature will have to be the XMB.

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  Rating: 5 / 5 Value for money: 4 / 5

I love mine. I have the latest CFW and it does everything I want. I have the slim model with all the external cables so I take it on the road when I have to go out of town with a few movies on the memory cards and hook it up at the hotels. Great little product, wish the CPU or what ever was a bit more powerful, but I am sure in time!

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  Rating: 5 / 5 Value for money: 3 / 5


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  Rating: 2 / 5 Value for money: 1 / 5

unstable software built inn

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  Rating: 3 / 5 Value for money: 3 / 5

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  Rating: 5 / 5 Value for money: 4 / 5

The PSP is my second favorite console and my favorite portable one. It has a really nice list of games and a fantastic list of multimedia/internet uses. But when you start using home-brew that�s when it starts getting serious. It has a huge library of home-brew games and apps that enhance your experience even more. Not just that you can play back up games (Off Coarse they�ve been backed up #wink#wink#). Also you can make it even better with some home-brew items like games, pops loader (PSX), themes, emulators, irshell or even run windows! The possibilities are endless and with such a stylish console it�s that much better. Overall it�s a fantastic console with lots to offer! Very Pleased.

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  Rating: 5 / 5 Value for money: 4 / 5

I got one off ebay for about 80 bucks and it does everything I want it to. Plays beautiful games like FF: Crisis Core and Monster Hunter Freedom 2, the videos play at a good resolution, and it works great as an mp3 player too. On top of that, once it's hacked, you're open to all kinds of homebrew games and apps, and have the ability to store your UMDs on the memory card, making carrying games easy. I got 6GBs of PSX games, PSP games, emulators, and a bunch of homebrew stuff and I carry this thing around with me everywhere.

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  Rating: 4 / 5 Value for money: 4 / 5

As said, its a good media player. the games arnt too bad either. Call of duty is good as is worms.

Worth the money, specially as its so hackable

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  Rating: 3 / 5 Value for money: 3 / 5

Its alright I recommend it if you are the type of person that likes to play crappy games, seriously almost ALL the games available for PSP are baaaaad, the only good ones are the RPGs and God of War, other than that if your looking to buy it because of the games then i DO NOT recommend it.

However as a media device its Impressive, I can watch movies, watch photos, listen to music, suft the net... It has a crappy browser but its understandable still it does its job. Memory can be upgraded. So if you don't have and iPod or any other portable media device then give this a try.

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  Rating: 4 / 5 Value for money: 4 / 5

its a Media Center on the go, great device made even better by Open Firmware. it also doubles as a blunt weapon, a dangerous throwing Projectile among other things. so you can beat down the bad guys and still enjoy a Media experience.

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  Rating: 1 / 5 Value for money: 3 / 5

I dont know how to us it so it dont make no sens I cant go on internet to down lode well nothing what can i do

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  Rating: 5 / 5 Value for money: 5 / 5

A great value by itself, but even better when partnered with a PS3.

Straight out of the box, a PSP is your portable gateway to the world. Capable of storing music and movies, playing games, and even going on line via built-in Wifi -- if you're wearing pants, you should have a PSP in your pocket.

With time the system has evolved to support microphones and camera's, you can even use VOIP on a NON-HACKED system, allowing you to carry an internet-based phone around in your pocket, and at any time, jump straight into a game of Rainbow Six: Vegas.

The days of linking together portables for multiplay are gone, and if you're on the move and serious about gaming, nothing will thrill you quiet as much as a PSP.

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  Rating: 4 / 5 Value for money: 3 / 5

The PSP is a great handheld device/media player. Has a nice screen, holds a memory stick, games have great graphics for a handheld device and backed by the new Sony networks allows for free online gaming :). Also the thanks to hombrew and hacks the enjoyment of this sistem grows. The bad of this system is ergonomic design big hands = discomfort when playing.

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  Rating: 5 / 5 Value for money: 4 / 5

The PSP is the god of portable gaming. It is the best in all features. Graphics are awesome. Sound is always good, works as a decent alternative to an Ipod. But the greatest part is how long it can last. I love the PSP, because you can get to the next same point in a game, swap out your used battery with a charged one, and boot it up and keep on going. Keeping around 2-4 extra batteries keeps the games going (especially for those long car and airplane rides) The game selection is awesome! (Square Enix makes the best stuff!) And the ability to hold a ton of emulators and games on one memory card is heavenly. Especially how cheap memory gets nowadays. $60-70 can run for a 16gb sony pro duo card with Mark II (30% faster than the usual one). This is the best use of money. If you even dare to call yourself a gamer, you'll need this hands down. For all of you who don't have it, all I can say is that you are seriously deprived. GET ONE! My only complaint is that you don't get an accurate reading of the battery life while playing, and the phat gets kinda heavy after a while. Getting a slim (double RAM) is a great idea though.

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  Rating: 5 / 5 Value for money: 4 / 5

Great system, as everyone else already mentioned, even better with custom firmware installed. Big memory sticks are pretty expensive though :(
It's just a shame that Sony has to use piracy as a reason to keep making so called "security" patches to prevent people from using the PSP to it's full potential. Gotta say though, it makes me appreciate Dark Alex's work more!

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  Rating: 5 / 5 Value for money: 5 / 5

Great system. What can I say? Better when hacked! Haven't you ever dreamt of using PlayStation buttons portably playing Mario!?!?!

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  Rating: 5 / 5 Value for money: 5 / 5

The best gaming handheld EVER
'Nuff said :P

I bought my Phat PSP when it was still quite new and still use it now, and I haven't had any problems. I have used for movies/videos when traveling, and for carrying some tunes (sometimes). Loved It before I hacked it love it even more after ;)

It has the best graphics among all handhelds today, compiled with a huge game library to cater to everyone's needs to make a killer combo. It also caters to people's multimedia needs, as the screen is big enough to view movies on the go comfortably, it plays music, holds images, and even lets you surf the net

Since the original release, prices of both the phat and the slim have fallen quite a bit, making it an even better bargain. I still use it everyday (almost), and couldn't ask for anything more.

A must have for anyone who calls themselves a gamer

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  Rating: 4 / 5 Value for money: 3 / 5

Its nice all-round,but the internet browser could be better and it would be nice to play videos from youtube on it.

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  Rating: 5 / 5 Value for money: 3 / 5

Agreed on above but would like to throw in just one small complaint. Numb hands. Guess I like it so much I play to long. Cheers


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  Rating: 3 / 5 Value for money: 2 / 5

It's a bit underwhelming as a video/audio player, the screen is a tad too small for me to watch for extended periods, and the battery life and storage space aren't enough for it to be a viable replacement for my Zune... The memory cards are friggin' expensive!

As a gaming device, I wouldn't recommend it as far as official software for it goes, I might like ten games on the thing, Locoroco and Disgaea being the only draw for me to pick it up in this department. The graphics are definitely impressive, though, there's potential here, but it's been around for four years, and it's catalog of great games is downright disappointing in proportion to the time it's had on the market.

Once you hack it, though... It's a pretty neat little thing.
The emulators are great, it's the best thing to play SNES and Genesis games on the go, and the only one I know of that canplay PSX. It's all I ever use mine for. However, because of it's screen resolution, Gameboy/Color/Advance game screens are a bit hard to get used to, at 1X it's too small, at 2X it goes higher than the PSP's Y resolution, and for me, 1.5X just isn't an option... Despite this, I'd recommend picking up an old Phat and a cheap Memory Stick, give it a shot.

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  Rating: 5 / 5 Value for money: 5 / 5

have 3, definitely worth it.

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  Rating: 5 / 5 Value for money: 3 / 5

i love it and its never gaven me a problem so i recamend it over ds,or ds lite.

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  Rating: 5 / 5 Value for money: 5 / 5

Amazing console, game lineup isn't the best but its basically a multimedia maniac in your pocket.

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  Rating: 5 / 5 Value for money: 5 / 5

thank god for this amazing console

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  Rating: 5 / 5 Value for money: 5 / 5

The PSP is the best portable game console we might ever see. It holds everything you need; video, music, pictures, games, homebrew, and a built in web browser. Even though the PSP will cost you around $169, you couldn't ask for a better portable hand held media device. =]

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  Rating: 4 / 5 Value for money: 3 / 5

It's a great Handheld, but I got bored with it too quick! Great for Road Trips to watch movies, and listen to music!

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  Rating: 5 / 5 Value for money: 5 / 5

It's features are still plain amazing to this day; and for a fraction of the price of a PDA that has similar functions.

It's like a tiny laptop mixed with a PS2.

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  Rating: 5 / 5 Value for money: 5 / 5

Mine psp is hacked and works IR remote! OH HELLYEAH ps1 games and homebrew are the best ! emulators eg...Great Product.

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  Rating: 5 / 5 Value for money: 5 / 5


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  Rating: 5 / 5 Value for money: 5 / 5

Okay, I�m going to rate this product the old fashion way. Let�s assume it is not hacked because rating a product on its hack-ability is as useless as rating my coffee machine on the bases that I could install custom firmware on it and make its do more than coffee. What I�m trying to say is that you can hack almost everything so for now were just going to look at its ground level potential.

Moving on �

The PSP in my opinion is probably the most versatile portable device available in today�s market. If you stack up the feature set alone it likely out ways every other product in and out of its category.

Number 1 feature: Obviously it�s primary use is for gaming.
Number 2: Video player
Number 3: Audio player
Number 4: photo viewer
Number 5: a multitude of online capabilities
Number 6: removable storage ect ect�
Number 7: with the PSP Slim you have Skype

Alright, having said those things you could potentially have the best portable device (in terms of entertainment ever). If you think about it, you would never need anther MP3, video, or photo viewer. This of course comes at a price for memory capacity. However, in theory you could purchase a 64 GB memory stick pro duo (which in actuality is not far from being released) and have your entire music photo and video collection on the go. Would that not be the best? Unfortunately even the 32GB memory sticks are 600 dollars. So it will be a little while before you go running out to get a 64GB. Although on the bright side, storage capacity is climbing exponentially in comparison to how much space music and video takes up. Even having music ripped at the highest losses quality you could still fit it all on one of the available audio player out there.

Gaming, I�m not going to even talk about that. Its pretty dam good and there is a lot of fun titles out there. And to be honest, until someone else comes out with another gaming device, this one is the only one besides the DS, which I will not try and make a comparison. They are like apples and oranges.

Online capabilities: Well assuming you have a decent wireless router and you have configured it correctly, I could not complain. My brother an I always play Socom online together and it�s pretty freaking sweet. One gripe I do have with the online part is related to the internet access. For some reason I find that my PSP caches way too much and has trouble loading some WebPages. Don�t know if anyone else has this issue.

Removable storage: Well that all depends on how big a memory stick you own. I have an 8 GB. It�s nice to have my info on to go.

As for Skype� Don�t have much to say here because I don�t use it. However, the PSP Scene seems to be pretty hyped about it for the most part.

So overall this little device is astounding. I don�t really see many downsides besides the rather expensive memory sticks. Also for a price like 160 dollars you can't go wrong.

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  Rating: 5 / 5 Value for money: 4 / 5

I love this product as it is hackable and portable.

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  Rating: 4 / 5 Value for money: 4 / 5

Its still best handheld game console. Hackable gives it +1 star.

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  Rating: 5 / 5 Value for money: 3 / 5

Great handheld product,specially since its hackable!!

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  Rating: 5 / 5 Value for money: 4 / 5

I think that this, the original PSP is the best handheld console on the market. I use mine for Games, listening to music and reading eBooks with my favourite app bookR :)

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