There are many instances where I leave a looped async function running on a chrome tab (for testing) but whenever I leave the lab, Chrome seems to significantly lessen the speed at which js runs on that tab. Is there any way to have full cpu power for running javascript on a different tab than that I am currently on?

For example, when I'm running a js test file on tab 1 with localhost:3000 but I go off another tab to do something else for a while. When I come back to tab 1, I see minimal progress.

1 Answer 1



Background tabs can have a dramatic negative effect on browser performance, especially on battery life. To mitigate this, Chrome has been placing various restrictions on background tabs for the last several years.


Chrome provides the --disable-background-timer-throttling flag for use cases like running test suites and other user-sanctioned heavy computations.

So basically just launch chrome with the --disable-background-timer-throttling and you should be good to go

  • So there's no way of just setting 1 tab to be like this. Correct?
    – Eddie Kim
    Commented Aug 14, 2020 at 22:54

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