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Future Super Buu (らいちょうブウ Mirai no Chō Bū) is an alternate timeline version of Super Buu that appears in Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road.


Same as his main timeline counterpart.


Same as his main timeline counterpart.


Shin Budokai - Another Road[]

Future Super Buu is formed when Future Evil Buu eats Future Good Buu, who was turned into chocolate, and transforms. Future Dabura attempts to kill Future Super Buu, but Future Super Buu defeats Future Dabura with overwhelming power, turns him into chocolate, and eats him. He then goes in town for food.

When Future Babidi returns from New Namek, he remarks Buu has slimmed down. When he wonders where Future Dabura is, Future Super Buu says he ate him and Future Babidi is happy that Buu is powerful enough to defeat Future Dabura easily. Future Babidi then remarks a Dragon Ball in Buu's hand (the rock Future Mr. Satan gave to Future Majin Buu), thus learning that Earth's Dragon Balls are restored. He orders Future Super Buu to play with Future Trunks while he goes to collect the Dragon Balls with the brainwashed Future Cooler and Future Broly. Following orders, Future Super Buu heads straight for Future Dende's Lookout. The Dragon Team sense his ki and go to fight with him before he arrives at The Lookout, and they manage to repel him.

When Future Babidi arrives at The Lookout and requests the Dragon Balls, the Z-Fighters fights Future Super Buu again. He is very strong, and Future Broly and Future Cooler appear and fight the Z-Fighters as well. When the two are not useful anymore to Future Babidi, Future Super Buu absorbs them and makes their power his own. Future Super Buu gains incredible powers, but Gotenks stands against him, but like in the main timeline, Super Buu absorbs Gotenks and takes his power. Then, he absorbs Future Gohan too, and with Gotenks' and Future Gohan's power, Future Super Buu becomes even more powerful. Future Goku and Future Vegeta use the Potara and fuse again to form Future Vegito, who possesses incredible power. Future Vegito leaves Future Super Buu on the edge of death and decides to rescue Gotenks and Future Gohan. As he did last time, he lets Future Super Buu capture him and removes Gotenks and Future Gohan from inside Future Super Buu, which turns Future Super Buu back to his base form.

After Future Mr. Satan prevents Future Babidi from completing his wish, Future Babidi lashes out at Future Mr. Satan, but Future Super Buu takes the blow instead, leaving him near death. Future Babidi desperately tries to revive Future Super Buu. Once revived, Future Super Buu is enraged that Future Babidi tried to hurt Future Mr. Satan and he eats Future Babidi. Upon gaining Future Babidi's power, Future Super Buu changes form and achieves his pure form, Future Kid Buu. However, he suddenly begins feeling intense pain, and spits out Future Good Buu. With the good side of Majin Buu out of his body, Majin Buu becomes pure evil.


  • Flight – The ability to fly with the use of ki.
  • Ki Blast – The most basic form of ki attack.
  • Human Extinction Attack – Future Super Buu raises his arm and fires many homing energy waves that fly towards his opponent.
  • Absorption – In the game's story, Future Super Buu absorbs Future Broly and Future Cooler, Gotenks, and Gohan in order to power himself up.
  • Continuous Die Die Missile – Used by Future Super Buu (w/ Gotenks absorbed).
  • Super Kamehameha – Used by Future Super Buu (w/ Gohan absorbed).

Future Evil Buu

This form appears off-screen, formed out of the mists that escape from the holes on Future Majin Buu's head when angry at Future Dabura's attack on Future Mr. Satan. After Future Majin Buu is defeated and turned into chocolate, Future Evil Buu (未来の魔人ブウ(純粋悪) Mirai no Majin Bū (Junsui Aku)) eats him, which allows him to turn into Future Super Buu.

Future Super Buu (Future Broly and Future Cooler absorbed)
Buu (Broly and Cooler)

Future Buu (Broly and Cooler absorbed)

Future Super Buu absorbs Future Broly and Future Cooler, and makes their power his own to fight against the Z Fighters. He retains his regular appearance.

Future Super Buu (Gotenks, Future Broly, and Future Cooler absorbed)
Futture Super Buu (Gotenks, Future Broly Cooler absorbed)

Future Super Buu (Gotenks absorbed)

Like his alternate counterpart, Future Super Buu absorbs Gotenks and takes his power. This form is referred to as Gotenks Buu at one point during the story.

Future Super Buu (Gohan, Gotenks, Future Broly, and Future Cooler absorbed)

"And You're next!"
— Future Super Buu before absorbing Gohan.

Futture Super Buu (Gohan, Gotenks, Future Broly Cooler absorbed)

Future Super Buu (Gohan absorbed)

Like his alternate counterpart, Future Super Buu absorbs Gohan and takes his power. With Gotenks' and Gohan's power, Future Super Buu becomes even more powerful. This form is referred to as Gohan Buu at one point during the story.

Future Kid Buu
After Future Babidi's attack on Future Mr. Satan, Future Super Buu eats Future Babidi, which causes him to change form. Upon gaining Future Babidi's power, Buu achieves his pure form, Future Kid Buu, and can now use memories to create clones of Future Super Buu's various forms: normal, Gotenks and Gohan Buus.

Video Game Appearances[]

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