Doom Wiki
This level occupies the map slot MAP09. For other maps which occupy this slot, see Category:MAP09.

MAP09: As the Doctor Sleeps is the ninth map of Community Chest 3. It was designed by Paul Corfiatis. The title is a pun, as the level's design is significantly influenced by that of John Anderson, also known as Dr. Sleep.


Cchest3 MAP09

Map of MAP09

Letters in italics refer to marked spots on the map. Sector numbers in boldface are secrets which count toward the end-of-level tally.


  1. Near the switch north of the yellow key is a patch of wall at the east that shows up as a different color on the automap. Open it to find a teleporter leading to a supercharge at the northeast of the courtyard. (sector 599)
  2. At the foot of the staircase to the blue key, there is a wall at the south which has less prominent gaps in one spot. Press on the middle of this wall to find a medikit and a box of bullets. (sector 626)
  3. To the northeast of the blue key is a flesh and metal wall that appears as a different color on the automap. Jump to it from the platform with the blue key, and open it to find a medikit, armor, a box of bullets, a box of shells, a backpack, and a chainsaw. (sector 623)
  4. Once you gain access to the cave, start at the entrance into the cave, and take four steps down. Doing this causes a door to open at the northwest of the previous area. Quickly exit the cave and run through the door before it closes to enter a room with a rocket launcher and 15 rockets. (sector 636)
  5. At the northwest of the last room before the exit, the second column of panels from the west on the northern wall appears as a different color on the automap. It can be opened, leading into a room containing nine energy cells and a plasma gun. (sector 659)


Current records[]

There are currently no records for the map at the Doomed Speed Demos Archive.


Map data[]

Things 545
Vertexes 3835
Linedefs 4699
Sidedefs 7093
Sectors 669


This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level:

Monsters 1-2 3 4-5
Zombieman 4 7 7
Shotgun guy 11 22 22
Heavy weapon dude 19 24 25
Imp 45 88 91
Demon 11 15 20
Spectre 1 9 10
Revenant 3 4 4
Cacodemon 3 5 6
Pain elemental 0 1 2
Hell knight 10 11 13
Baron of hell 2 2 2
Arachnotron 0 1 1
Mancubus 4 4 4
Powerups 1-2 3 4-5
Armor bonus 26 26 26
Armor 2 2 2
Supercharge 1 1 1
Medikit 2 13 13
Stimpack 12 12 12
Health bonus 17 17 17
Backpack 1 1 1
Radiation shielding suit 2 2 2
Weapons 1-2 3 4-5
Chainsaw 1 1 1
Shotgun 4 4 4
Super shotgun 1 1 1
Rocket launcher 1 1 1
Plasma gun 1 1 1
Ammunition 1-2 3 4-5
Clip 7 7 7
Box of bullets 10 10 10
4 shotgun shells 39 39 39
Box of shotgun shells 0 9 9
Rocket 15 15 15
Energy cell 9 9 9
Keys 1-2 3 4-5
Blue keycard 1 1 1
Red keycard 1 1 1
Yellow keycard 1 1 1