Doom Wiki
This level occupies the map slot MAP03. For other maps which occupy this slot, see Category:MAP03.

MAP03: Mineopoly is the third map of Community Chest 3. It was designed jointly by Maximillian Daley (BlackFish) and Matt Grieshober (Soap on a Rope), and uses a MIDI rendition of the Fear Factory song "Replica" by RazTor.

The title of this level is a portmanteau of the words "mine" and "monopoly."


Cchest3 MAP03

Map of MAP03

Letters in italics refer to marked spots on the map. Sector numbers in boldface are secrets which count toward the end-of-level tally.


  1. Once you enter the hallway beyond the red door, push on the UAC sign at the southeast to find a rocket launcher and three rockets. (sector 583)


The pane of glass opposite the switch revealing the blue skull key (linedef 3107) can be walked through.


Current records[]

There are currently no records for the map at the Doomed Speed Demos Archive.


Map data[]

Things 221
Vertexes 3037
Linedefs 3594
Sidedefs 5720
Sectors 637


This level contains the following numbers of things per skill level:

Monsters 1-2 3 4-5
Zombieman 15 14 14
Shotgun guy 3 6 8
Heavy weapon dude 0 5 7
Imp 24 21 26
Demon 9 9 10
Spectre 0 0 1
Revenant 1 2 2
Cacodemon 1 2 3
Pain elemental 1 2 2
Hell knight 8 7 7
Baron of hell 3 4 6
Arachnotron 0 3 3
Mancubus 0 2 2
Arch-vile 0 0 1
Powerups 1-2 3 4-5
Armor 1 1 1
Supercharge 1 1 1
Medikit 16 16 15
Stimpack 6 5 2
Radiation shielding suit
Weapons 1-2 3 4-5
Shotgun 1 1 1
Super shotgun 1 1 1
Chaingun 2 1 1
Rocket launcher 1 1 1
Ammunition 1-2 3 4-5
Clip 1 1 1
Box of bullets 10 10 10
4 shotgun shells 16 14 14
Box of shotgun shells 11 11 11
Rocket 3 3 3
Keys 1-2 3 4-5
Blue keycard 1 1 1
Blue skull key 1 1 1
Red keycard 1 1 1
Yellow keycard 1 1 1
Yellow skull key 1 1 1


The choice of music in this level was made by Andy Leaver during the compilation process. The original submission did not have custom music.

External links[]
