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Waxwell Portrait
Just like the old days.


The Stage is a natural structure generated in the world of Don't Starve Together, added in A Little Drama update. It serves to better flesh out the existing story of Don't Starve, as well as provide some loot via the Briar Wolves it can spawn.

The stage can be found in various parts of the world, usually in the Triple MacTusks biome or in a clearing close to the Florid Postern. It consists of an arch with a raised floor, surrounded by a Lush Carpet and Mosaic Flooring. Beside the stage is a poster and two Stagehands.

To start the main performance, the player(s) need to wear the correct Costumes and interact with the arch. Then, shadow hands appear and control the characters themselves, playing scenes from the story.

A performance can be done with fewer players than the number of characters in the scene; this is accomplished by placing Mannequins on the stage. Mannequins being used as actors must be appropriately costumed. Excess mannequins are ignored during the performance, and the one that spawns by default near the stage is not close enough to be used as an actor.

Attempting to break hand props with a Hammer or other attacks causes shadow hands to emerge from under in response, attacking the player and inflicting 80 damage.


When the main performance starts, Mocking Birds appear around the stage, heckling the actors.

The main performance follows the journey of a Doll. The Doll encounters various figures: a caring Blacksmith, a powerful King, a mysterious Mirror, and a Fool. A player may also play the role of a Tree, though this tree contributes nothing to the story line and simply stands in place.

If any scenes are played not according to the script or costumes are not being used at all when performing, 3 hostile Briar Wolves spawn and the stage closes, reopening after 3-6 days.

Each character appears to represent a figure in Don't Starve's story: The Doll (and later Queen) seems to represent Charlie, the Blacksmith Winona, the King Maxwell, the Mirror to be "Them" or a similar being, and finally the Fool to be Wilson or another survivor. The story seems to be biased in the favor of the Doll, something pointed out by Maxwell after Act 2, Scene 1 ends.

Characters can also act out their own unique soliloquies by interacting with the arch by themselves. The soliloquy presented is decided by either the current playable character or what costume they are currently wearing. There is also a unique performance if a player wearing a Queen costume and another wearing a Blacksmith costume begin a play together.

Main Performance[]

Act 1 - Scene 1 Doll Mask

Mocking Birds

  • "Act 1."
  • "Yeah, scene 1!"


  • "Long ago, in a land oh so far away"
  • "a strange magic filled the air,"
  • "and a porcelain doll came to life."


  • "Ahh."
  • "I can move my hands? And my feet too!"
  • "Is this what it's like to be alive?"
  • "And what a big world to be alive in!"
  • "There are so many things I've never done,"
  • "so many things I've never seen..."
  • "I must explore every last bit of it!"


  • "The thought of starting a life of her own"
  • "filled the doll's heart with joy."
  • "But not everyone shared the sentiment..."

Mocking Birds

  • "You don't see talent like that everyday."
  • "Thankfully."
  • "At least the tree was good." (If there is a player in a tree suit)
  • "HA HA HA HA HA!"

Act 1 - Scene 2 Doll Mask Blacksmith Mask

Mocking Birds

  • "Act 1!"
  • "Scene 2, right?"


  • "The little doll ran first to the Blacksmith,"
  • "who had cared for her ever since"
  • "the Blacksmith herself was small."
  • "The Blacksmith was delighted to see"
  • "that the doll had come to life,"
  • "but her delight quickly gave way to fear."


  • "Little doll, you must be careful!"
  • "The world is filled with dangers"
  • "for one as fragile as you."
  • "It's simply not the place for a girl made of porcelain!"
  • "I know what must be done,"
  • "I will build you a fine suit of armor."
  • "Wear it, and you will have nothing to fear."


  • "And so, the Blacksmith went to her anvil,"
  • "and fashioned a suit of heavy iron armor."
  • "The little doll put it on,"
  • "but found that she could barely move in it."


  • "This armor is so heavy,"
  • "I feel as though I might just..."


  • "The little doll waited until it was dark,"
  • "and the Blacksmith went to sleep."
  • "Then she shed the heavy armor,"
  • "and slipped out into the night"
  • "to begin her adventure."

File (If there is Winona nearby and she does not participate in the scene)

  • "Sis... are you tryin' to tell me something?"

Mocking Birds

  • "That blacksmith really cracks me up."
  • "I dunno, the acting was pretty heavy-handed."
  • "HA HA HA HA HA!"
  • "But did you see that tree?" (If there is a player in a tree suit)
  • "Right? Such presence!" (If there is a player in a tree suit)

Act 1 - Scene 3 Cracked Doll Mask King Mask

Mocking Birds

  • "Act 1.",
  • "Scene 3!",
  • "Yeah, scene 3."


  • "The little doll walked and walked,"
  • "marveling as the countryside gave way"
  • "to a bustling city."
  • "One day, she happened upon a man in a golden crown,"
  • "traveling down the road."
  • "He twirled his finger in the air,"
  • "and the trees and flowers bloomed at his command."
  • "Crowds gathered to watch him pass."

Mocking Birds

  • "Get a load of this guy."
  • "What a show-off."


  • "Excuse me, sir!"
  • "How did you make the flowers bloom?"


  • "Why, it's magic, my dear!"
  • "And I am no simple 'sir',"
  • "but the King of this land!"


  • "Oh! I'm terribly sorry,"
  • "I've never met a king before,"
  • "I didn't know what they looked like."


  • "Ho, ho!"
  • "Truth be told,"
  • "I've never met a porcelain doll"
  • "quite so alive before."
  • "Perhaps we could travel together?"
  • "This road is long, and can get quite lonely."


  • "How wonderful!"
  • "Would you teach me your magic along the way?"


  • "I would be delighted."

Mocking Birds

  • "The plot thickens."
  • "I think you mean sickens."
  • "HA HA HA HA HA!"

Act 2 - Scene 1 Cracked Doll Mask King Mask Mirror Mask

Mocking Birds

  • "Back from intermission."
  • "Yes, on to Act 2!"
  • "Scene 1."


  • "Time passed, and the King brought the little doll"
  • "on many wonderful adventures."
  • "The doll asked often about the King's magic,"
  • "and if he would teach her,"
  • "but the King always gave one excuse or another."


  • "Not today little doll,"
  • "I'm a bit under the weather."
  • "I'm afraid I can't,"
  • "there's a full moon out tonight!"
  • "Dear me, I couldn't possibly!"
  • "Don't you know it's bad luck to teach magic on Wednesdays?"


  • "The doll believed the King,"
  • "so she waited. And waited..."
  • "Until one day,"
  • "she found a hidden chamber in the King's castle,"
  • "and discovered his secret."


  • "Oh! Hello there, who are you?"
  • "I have no name,"
  • "I am known only as the magic mirror."
  • "Your King has stolen my power"
  • "and kept me hidden away."
  • "How I hunger for freedom."
  • "Just a taste of the outside world..."

Mocking Birds

  • "I knew I didn't trust that King!"
  • "Boo! Hiss!"


  • "How terrible!"
  • "Don't worry,"
  • "I will help you leave this lonely place."


  • "No! My secret has been discovered!"


  • "You didn't honor our agreement."
  • "Now this courageous doll has come"
  • "to release me from this prison."


  • "Back, I say!"
  • "Your magic is mine, mirror."
  • "I will never let you go free!"
  • "Mmmagic blast!"


  • "No!"


  • "Eeep! Time to disappear!"
  • "Mmmagic ske-daddle!"

Maxwell (If there is Maxwell nearby and he does not participate in the scene)

  • "Is that really how she remembers it?"

Mocking Birds

  • "I really felt for the tree." (If there is a player in a tree suit)
  • "Very emotional."(If there is a player in a tree suit)

Act 2 - Scene 2 Shattered Doll Mask Mirror Mask

Mocking Birds

  • "Oh good, the tree is here." (If there is a player in a tree suit)
  • "I was worried for a second." (If there is a player in a tree suit)
  • "Hurry! Act 2!"
  • "Scene 2!"


  • "Your time is not over yet, little doll."
  • "Awaken!"


  • "I'm... alive!"
  • "But I feel... different..."

Mocking Birds

  • "Good as new!"
  • "Better than ever!"


  • "I've given you what power I can spare,"
  • "but without the magic the King stole from me,"
  • "I cannot make you fully whole."
  • "You must seek him out, but be wary."
  • "You have seen his treacherous ways for yourself."


  • "I will speak to him."
  • "And I promise you this, mirror;"
  • "I will see both of us whole again."

Act 2 - Scene 3 Shattered Doll Mask King Mask

Mocking Birds

  • "Act 2!"
  • "Scene 3!"


  • "The doll searched the castle for the King,"
  • "and found him cowering behind his throne."


  • "Leave me be, monster!"
  • "I-I'm just a poor, frail old man!"
  • "Um... and my mother is sick,"
  • "and I'm all she has to care for her!"
  • "And... oh I know! I was just now planning"
  • "the construction of a home for peg-legged orphans!"
  • "And... er... um..."
  • "You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, would you?"


  • "Are you so afraid to see your old friend?"


  • "Little doll? It can't be! I... that is, you..."


  • "The mirror brought me back to life."
  • "I can feel what it feels..."
  • "We are going to help each other become whole again."
  • "But for that, I will need your power."


  • "My power? Never!"
  • "Mmmmagic away!"


  • "No!"


  • "And with that, the King used his magic"
  • "to hide himself and his throne far away,"
  • "where he thought the little doll would never find him."

Act 3 - Scene 1 Shattered Doll Mask Foll Mask

Mocking Birds

  • "It's the Final Act!"
  • "Scene 1!"
  • "So exciting!"
  • "Almost done!"


  • "The doll searched high and low,"
  • "but as time went on,"
  • "it seemed that the King had won."
  • "Until one day..."


  • "Cheer-a-lee, cheer-a-lone,"
  • "the King's so glum upon his throne!"
  • "Cheer-a-loo, cheer-a-lay,"
  • "he's sent for fools, to watch us play!"
  • "From far and wide he's called us there,"
  • "we'll perform for the one who sits on the chair!"


  • "The King has grown bored, has he?"
  • "Perhaps he's grown careless as well."
  • "If I follow these fools,"
  • "they might lead me straight to him..."


  • "How strange, I suddenly feel like I'm being shadowed."
  • "It's probably nothing!"

Act 3 - Scene 2 Shattered Doll Mask King Mask Foll Mask

Mocking Birds

  • "Act 3!"
  • "Scene 2!"


  • "Though the journey was long,"
  • "it was just as the doll had predicted."
  • "The doll followed the fool"
  • "all the way to the King's throne room,"
  • "careful to keep out of sight."


  • "Fool!"
  • "It took you long enough!"
  • "I'd grown weary of waiting."


  • "My King!"
  • "Allow me to entertain you with my merry foolery!"
  • "Whoops-!"


  • "Nooooo!"


  • "In their excitement,"
  • "the clumsy fool knocked the King from his throne."
  • "It seemed that the years"
  • "had not been kind to the King,"
  • "for when he hit the floor,"
  • "his frail body turned to dust."


  • "Oh... I suppose I'm the King now!"


  • "There's been a fool on the throne long enough."
  • "perhaps what this kingdom needs..."
  • "is a Queen."

Mocking Birds

  • "The special effects are getting better."
  • "Wish I could say the same for the actors."
  • "HA HA HA HA HA!"
  • "Another flawless performance from the tree." (If there is a player in a tree suit)
  • "How do they do it?!" (If there is a player in a tree suit)

Act 3 - Scene 3 Queen Mask Mirror Mask

Mocking Birds

  • "The final scene!"
  • "Of the final act!"
  • "Finally!"


  • "It is as you said, mirror."
  • "I've become so much more than I ever dreamed..."
  • "but why do you remain broken?"


  • "Alas,"
  • "I was shattered long before I met your King."
  • "Even with his power,"
  • "I cannot yet be restored."


  • "I made you a promise, mirror,"
  • "and I will see it through."
  • "I will find the power to fix you,"
  • "and repay you for all you've given me."


  • "And so,"
  • "with the treacherous King gone and forgotten,"
  • "the little doll became a just and formidable Queen."
  • "The people rejoiced across the land,"
  • "and the magic mirror knew"
  • "they had finally found the one who would set Them free."

Mocking Birds

  • "I love a happy ending."
  • "I'm just happy it ended."
  • "HA HA HA HA HA!"

Poor Performance[]

Bad costumes

Mocking Birds

  • "Something's wrong!",
  • "Check your costumes!",
  • "We'll come back.",
  • "When you get it right!",

Repeat costumes

Mocking Birds

  • "Are you kidding?"
  • "Am I seeing double?!"
  • "No understudies!"

No script

Mocking Birds

  • "Something's off."
  • "They're going off-script!"
  • "I didn't come for improv!"
  • "We're out."

Costume Specific[]

Blacksmith soliloquy Blacksmith Mask

Mocking Birds

  • ""The Blacksmith's Soliloquy""
  • "Forging on ahead."


  • "Oh little doll, little doll!"
  • "Where have you gone?"
  • "It's not safe for you out there"
  • "in the big wide world!"

Mocking Birds

  • "If it ain't broke..."
  • "She'll still try to fix it."

King soliloquy King Mask

Mocking Birds

  • ""The King's Soliloquy""
  • "He's King for now, anyway."


  • "How different might things have been,"
  • "if I never sought the crown?"
  • "I suppose the world would be a bit brighter."
  • "What a terrible thought indeed."

Mocking Birds

  • "Heavy is the head who wears the crown."
  • "His head is bigger than most."

Fool soliloquy Foll Mask

Mocking Birds

  • ""The Fool's Soliloquy""
  • "Who do they think they're fooling?"


  • "Once I acted as I thought I should,"
  • "I followed all the rules."
  • "But soon I found out life's a game,"
  • "and I have played the fool!"

Mocking Birds

  • "My head hurts."
  • "Listening to a fool will do that."

Tree soliloquy Tree Mask

Mocking Birds

  • ""Ode to the Scenery""
  • "Oh, this is going to be good."


  • "The tree stood alone."
  • "In resolute silence."
  • "Not doing much of anything."

Mocking Birds

  • "That was my favorite act so far."
  • "Bravo! Bravissima!"

Reunion Queen Mask Blacksmith Mask

Mocking Birds

  • ""The Reunion""
  • "Ooooh, sounds juicy!"


  • "The Blacksmith had been searching for the doll,"
  • "and at last her journey came to an end."


  • "Little doll, is that really you?"
  • "How you've changed..."


  • "It is me,"
  • "but I am not the little doll you once knew."
  • "You were right, Blacksmith."
  • "The world is too dangerous for one made of porcelain."
  • "But you need not fear for me anymore."
  • "Now I'm made of something stronger."

Mocking Birds

  • "Oh, I was wondering what happened to the blacksmith."
  • "It's nice to have closure."

Winona (If there is Winona nearby and she does not participate in the scene)

  • "No way, it can't just end like that!"

Character Specific[]

Wilson soliloquy Wilson Filter

  • "I am the very model of a modern Major-General"
  • "I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral"
  • "I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters Mathematical"
  • "I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical"

Willow soliloquy Willow Filter

  • "Fire fire, burning bright,"
  • "In the forests of the night;"
  • "And in the mountains, and the plains,"
  • "And the towns, and the cities,"
  • "Everywhere! Burn it all down!! Hahaha!!"
  • "Yeah, pretty sure that's how that poem goes."

Wolfgang soliloquy Wolfgang Filter

  • "Wolfgang is not just man of big muscles,"
  • "Is man of mighty feelings too."
  • "Will read poem to you now:"
  • "Wolfgang likes his friends,"
  • "Though some are weird, make scary magic, and one is spider,"
  • "Will stay with them till very end,"
  • "Make Wolfgang's bad day brighter."

Wendy soliloquy Wendy Filter

  • "O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms,"
  • "So haggard and so woe-begone?"
  • "The squirrel's granary is full,"
  • "And the harvest's done."
  • "I see a lily on thy brow,"
  • "With anguish moist and fever-dew,"
  • "And on thy cheeks a fading rose"
  • "Fast withereth too."

WX-78 soliloquy WX-78 Filter

  • "YES. GOOD"
  • "UGH..."

Wickerbottom soliloquy Wickerbottom Filter

  • "Theater as an art form is practiced throughout the world."
  • "The Western tradition of theater can trace its origins back to ancient Athens;"
  • "the word "theater" of course coming from the Greek "theatron,""
  • "which itself was derived from the verb "theasthai," "to behold.""
  • "Isn't etymology delightful?"

Woodie soliloquy Woodie Filter


  • "Er... I don't really like bein' the center of attention."


  • "Let me try!",
  • "Chop chop chop, swing swing swing,"
  • "Choppin' is my favourite thing."
  • "Swing swing swing, chop chop chop,"
  • "Love it way too much to stop!"


  • "You've sure got a way with words, Lucy."

Wes soliloquy Wes Filter (Only exists in game files)

  • "Essayez-vous comprendre mes pensées?"
  • "Ah, comme c'est gentil à vous!"
  • "Je suis flatté. :)"

Directly translated from french, it reads:

  • "Are you trying to understand my thoughts?"
  • "Ah, that's very kind of you!"
  • "I am flattered. :)"

Maxwell soliloquy Maxwell Filter

  • "Thank you very much, you are too kind."
  • "And now, I will pull shadows incarnate from this mysterious tome!"
  • Maxwell summons two temporary shadow minions that dance next to him before dissapearing for his next line.
  • "The show was better with... well, it was better before."

Webber soliloquy ("boy") Webber Filter

  • "Ahem! We're going to say a poem now!"
  • "Little Miss Muffet she sat on her tuffet,"
  • "eating her curds and whey."
  • "Along came a spider who sat down beside her"
  • "And frightened Miss Muffet away!"

Webber soliloquy ("spider") Webber Filter

  • ""Will you walk into my parlour?""
  • "said a spider to a fly;"
  • "'Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy."
  • "The way into my parlour is up a winding stair,"
  • "And I have many pretty things to shew when you are there."
  • ""Oh no, no!" said the little fly"
  • "to ask me is in vain"
  • "For who goes up your winding stair can ne'er come down again."

Winona soliloquy Winona Filter

  • "There once was a gal from the sticks,"
  • "Who went out to look for her sis."
  • "But she found her too late,"
  • "And got yanked through a gate,"
  • "Ain't family drama the pits?"

Warly soliloquy Warly Filter

  • "Adieu, patrie!"
  • "L'onde est en furie."
  • "Adieu, patrie,"
  • "Azur!"
  • "Adieu, maison, treille au fruit mûr,"
  • "Adieu, les fleurs d'or du vieux mur!"

Wormwood soliloquy Wormwood Filter

  • "Hello friends!"
  • "Watching? Hmm..."
  • "Doo-doo-dee-doop"
  • "Woo-wah-wah!"
  • "Deedle-deedle-deedle-woo"
  • "Wah-wah-wheee!"
  • "Oop-doodle-doo"
  • "Bwa-waaaaaaaaaah!"

Walter soliloquy Walter Filter

  • "I've been teaching Woby lots of tricks, watch!"
  • "Okay Woby... stay!"
  • "Good girl!"
  • "We're uh... we're still working on the rest."
  • "Still pretty impressive though, right?"

Wurt soliloquy Wurt Filter

  • "Glurp... th-this is fairy story. Made by Wurt."
  • "Once upon time, there was super strong Mermfolk princess."
  • "Merm princess build houses for all her friends,"
  • "and make pretty decorations from bones of her enemies."
  • "Everyone live happily ever after, the end."

Wortox soliloquy Wortox Filter

  • "The wisest aunt, telling the saddest tale,"
  • "Sometime for three-foot stool mistaketh me;"
  • "Then slip I from her bum, down topples she,"
  • "And 'tailor' cries, and falls into a cough;"
  • "And then the whole quire hold their hips and laugh,"
  • "And waxen in their mirth and neeze and swear"
  • "A merrier hour was never wasted there."

Wanda soliloquy Wanda Filter

  • ""You are old, Father William," the young man said",
  • ""And your hair has become very white;",
  • "And yet you incessantly stand on your head—",
  • "Do you think, at your age, it is right?"",
  • ""In my youth," Father William replied to his son,",
  • ""I feared it might injure the brain;",
  • "But now that I'm perfectly sure I have none,",
  • "Why, I do it again and again."",

Placeholder Trivia[]

Winona's Spotlight Animations[]

Blueprint Gallery[]
