Conan Exiles Wiki


Thralls in your... employ... will periodically take food out of this pot in order to not starve.


  • The pot is the size of a foundation.[1]
  • Thrall Pots have a spherical radius of 25 foundations[2] or 50 meters.[3]
  • The Thrall Pot increases the expiration time of the food items tenfold.
  • A preferred use of the thrall pot is to add food prior to a purge or PvP time to buff all thralls within the set area, then remove the food afterwards.
  • If the thralls are unable to use food from the pot because all their inventory slots are occupied, thus turning the Thrall pot into a very good place to store stuff with an expiration timer. Additionally, placing the thrall pot far enough from any thrall makes it a poor man's Preservation Box.
  • The Icon feeding station Thrall Pot and Icon feeding trough Feed Box were originally implemented into the game along with a starvation mechanic for followers as a means to clear them from inactive clans, however, due to performance issues and a poor reception, the starvation mechanic was removed and replaced with a general abandonment timer.


Created from the following Recipes Information
Construction Hammer
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
25 Icon branch Branch
50 Icon iron bar Iron Bar
1 Icon feeding station Thrall Pot 0 s 250


Repairing Thrall Pot requires up to:

