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Corrupted Grey Ape
Corrupted Grey Ape
ID: Wildlife_Miniboss_GreyApe
Map Exiled Lands
HP 4474
Armor 72
KB Defense 25
Base XP 27000
Group Elite
Temperament Aggressive
Biomes Jungle
Location Forgotten City of Xel-ha
Harvestables Alchemical Base, Bone, Claws, Demon Blood, Gorilla Head, Hide, Savoury Flesh
Patch added PC Update (02.03.2019)

A Corrupted Grey Ape is an elite Grey Ape with glowing blue eyes.



  • A Corrupted Grey Ape has a 2% chance to spawn instead of a normal Grey Ape.
  • Can be harvested for a significant amount of Icon demon blood Demon Blood, mainly with a pick or a hatchet.
  • Can be found in the Jungle, the highest concentration is around The Witch Queen area, which is a fine place to level.