Conan Exiles Wiki
The Witch Queen
The Witch Queen
ID: Witch_Queen
Map Exiled Lands
HP 4500
KB Defense 0
Group Boss
Temperament Aggressive
Biomes Jungle
Location Palace of the Witch Queen
Harvestables Key to Razma's Quarters, Mask of the Witch Queen
Patch added 1.0

The Witch Queen is an enemy in Conan Exiles. She is located at the Palace of the Witch Queen.


The Witch Queen is one of the ancient rulers of Lemuria who were, without exception, all women. She worships the god Dagon.

She can be found within the Palace of the Witch Queen where she will be hostile.

Once you have defeated her, you can loot the Key to Razma's Quarters and the Mask of the Witch Queen from her body.

This key will allow you to open the door to a house in Sepermeru where you will encounter Razma of Shem.


The Witch Queen is more of an entity inside the Mask of the Witch Queen, who possesses the body of Razma of Shem, until freed by the Exiles after her defeat.


See Palace of the Witch Queen.


On entering the dungeon[]

Has someone come after all these years? Approach, approach! Your queen demands it.

In Combat[]

The bracelet you wear marks you my enemy!
Dagon will protect me!
I have survived for an eon.
I was supposed to be your savior!

On Death[]

Yes...let me is time.


The Witch Queen at her Throne. The Witch Queen at her Throne.

