Conan Exiles Wiki


Consuming the flesh of men is a mark of savagery and desperation. Various demonic religious practices encourage ritual consumption while some tribes in the Black Kingdoms devour pieces of their fallen enemies in order to absorb their prowess and courage. The desert men of Darfar are well known for their cannibalism. With their teeth filed to points and bizarre hairstyles of mud and twigs they are an intimidating sight - more so with the blood of a fresh kill drying on their chins.


Created from the following Recipes Information
Barachan Castaway Bonfire, Bonfire, Campfire, Charcoal Kiln, Large Campfire, Spit Roast Campfire, Yamatai Hearth, Zingaran Mercenary Campfire
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon human flesh Human Flesh 1 Icon human flesh grilled Cooked Human Flesh 5 s 0
1 Icon severed arm Severed Arm 3 Icon human flesh grilled Cooked Human Flesh 10 s 1
1 Icon severed leg Severed Leg 3 Icon human flesh grilled Cooked Human Flesh 10 s 1