Conan Exiles Wiki

This page describes the usual way to format an item article. This is particularly important as we regularly generate and update many of the item articles automatically, based on information in-game. Please note the "automatically generated" notes in each section.

General Rules[]

We know 3 types of sections in the "item" article:

These sections appear on almost every item page, regardless of the type of item.

item type specific

Depending on the type of item, there may be other relevant sections. These are usually specific to that item type and should not be used in any other context.

item specific

These sections are item specific and only appear on individual item pages. Because they are so specific, they do not really make sense on any other item page. In general, we try to avoid such sections as they can disrupt the overall look and feel of the item article.

The order of sections is fixed. So if a particular section is present on an item page, it will always be in the same position in relation to the other sections.
For example, if the section "Notes" is present, it will always be placed after the section "Description". Never before!
The order of all currently known sections is shown in the summary table at the end of this article.

If a section does not explicitly state that it is automatically generated, then it must be added manually if it is needed and makes sense. If a section is automatically generated, but is missing from a relevant article, we may need to make a change to our update system. We would appreciate a note on the article's talk page.

New sections should only be added in exceptional circumstances. As you can see below, we already have a large number of sections, many of which are very specific and difficult to assign.

The rules set up seem very restrictive at first. But they are not without reason. Large parts of the item articles are regularly generated and updated on the basis of the current game content. If an item article deviates too much from the standard structure or if too many changes are made to content that is actually generated automatically, this can endanger the entire update process. This should be avoided at all costs. The community of Conan Exiles is not so big that a wiki with over 10,000 pages can be kept up to date without automatic updates. We have an average of 3-4 active editors in the wiki.

Common Sections[]

These sections are widespread, very general and appear on almost all articles. The position of each section in relation to the other existing sections is shown in the summary table.

Section: Item Infobox[]

Basically the first "section" on each item article. Not exactly a section (no corresponding heading), but important enough to mention here.
If an article does not have an "item infobox", then it is not an "item" article and everything that is written here is more or less not applicable!
This section is automatically generated and should only be changed with care. A more detailed description of the individual attributes can be found on the template's documentation page: Template:Item infobox

Section: Description[]

Verbatim from the game. This includes all spelling and grammatical errors!
This section is automatically generated and should not be modified in any way!

Section: Notes[]

Short and concise additional information. Anything not explicitly found in one of the other sections or the infobox. Each line should be bulleted.
This section is adopted as is when the page is generated.

* Note 1
* Note 2

Section: Source[]

Origin of the item. If it is a craftable item, a wiki table of recipes will be displayed here.
This section is automatically generated if the item is craftable. In this case you should not make any changes to this section!
This section can also be added manually to store the origin of the item (e.g. NPC drop).

Section: See Also[]

Cross-linking of similar items and relevant topics. Each line should be bulleted.
This section is adopted as is when the page is generated.

Section: Repair[]

Indicates whether and with what maximum amount of material an item can be repaired. Depending on the degree of damage, the actual material requirement may differ from that indicated here.
For items that are explicitly excluded from repair due to the game mechanics (e.g. unique or legendary items), this is indicated by a corresponding note in this section.
For items that obviously cannot be repaired, such as wood or stone, this section is not used.
This section is automatically generated and should not be modified in any way!

Section: Dismantle[]

Indicates whether an item can be dismantled and how much material will be returned.
This section is automatically generated and should not be modified in any way!

Section: Gallery[]

Picture gallery. There is nothing more to say. The pictures should of course be related to the item.
This section is adopted as is when the page is generated.

Section: Media[]

Other media, such as YouTube videos. The linked content must be related to the item.
This section is adopted as is when the page is generated.

Item type specific Sections[]

These sections only appear in articles of a very specific item type.

Section: Knowledge[]

An item type specific section for all items that teach the player knowledge when used.
For example, Icon scrawled note Scroll (Specialist Cooking X) is such an item that teaches the knowledge Specialist Cooking X when used.
This section is automatically generated for all common items, but can also be inserted manually if our system did not recognize it. However, if the origin of the section is automatically generated, it should not be modified in any way!

The following knowledge is acquired when using this item:
* [[Specialist Cooking X (Knowledge)]]

Section: Harvestable Items[]

An item type specific section for golem parts. Should not be used for other item types.
This section is automatically generated and should not be modified in any way!

==Harvestable Items==
{{QueryListHarvestablesByID|{{#var:ib_golemHarvestableItem}}|{{#var:ib_golemToolID}} }}

Section: Armor Set[]

An item type specific section for armor pieces that are part of a armor set. Should not be used for other item types.
This section is automatically generated and should not be changed in any way! However, it is possible to add additional information (such as alternative parts for an equipment slot) at the end of the template. These additions will be automatically included when the article is updated.

==Armor Set==
This piece of equipment is part of the following armor set:
{{Infobox ArmorSet
| set = Black Hand
* {{ItemLink|Eye Patch}} is an alternate head piece for this set and provides the exact same stats as {{ItemLink|Black Hand Earrings}}.
* Both the {{ItemLink|Buccaneer Peg Leg (Left Fitting)}} and the {{ItemLink|Buccaneer Peg Leg (Right Fitting)}} are alternates for the boots of this set, though they have lower armor, temperature resistance, and durability than {{ItemLink|Black Hand Boots}}.

Section: Thrall(s) Used[]

An item type specific section for crafting stations. Each line should be bulleted.

==Thrall(s) Used==
* [[Armorer (profession)|Armorer]]

Section: Fuels[]

An item type specific section for crafting stations using fuels. Normally this is just an include of a template, so there is no need to make any changes to this section. If changes are required, they must be made in the included template.

{{QueryTableFuelByID|{{#var:ib_acceptedFuels}} }}

Section: Crafting[]

An item type specific section for crafting stations with recipes. Lists all recipes, regardless of their origin, in a wiki table. The recipes listed here take into account any existing bonuses (e.g. crafting speed, material cost reduction, ...) of the crafting station.
This section is automatically generated if the item is a crafting station with recipes and should not be modified in any way!

Section: Uses[]

An item type specific section for items used as ingredient in a recipe. Lists all recipes in which this item is used as an ingredient. The recipes listed here do not take into account any existing bonuses (e.g. crafting speed, material cost reduction, ...) of the crafting station. This would require each crafting station to have its own wiki table of recipes, which would result in huge pages for frequently used ingredients such as stone and wood.
This section is automatically generated and should not be modified in any way!

Section: Diet[]

An item type specific section for converted pets and mounts. Important is the distinction between pets/mounts that still need to be converted in an animal pen/stable and those that have already been converted. The section is only for the articles of the already converted pets and mounts.
This section is automatically generated and should not be modified in any way!

Section: Ammunition[]

An item type specific section for bows. Normally this is just an include of a template, so there is no need to make any changes to this section. If changes are required, they must be made in the included template.
This section is automatically generated and should not be modified in any way!

Section: Comparison[]

An item type specific section for healing itmes. This sections needs a better name! Normally this is just an include of a template, so there is no need to make any changes to this section. If changes are required, they must be made in the included template.

{{Navigation Healing}}

Section: Navigation[]

An item type specific section for altars. This sections needs a better name! Normally this is just an include of a template, so there is no need to make any changes to this section. If changes are required, they must be made in the included template.

{{Navigation Altars}}

Item specific Sections[]

These sections only appear in articles on a very specific item. They are not relevant to other articles.

Section: Purchases[]

An item specific section for Icon coin ancientoboli Ancient Obolus. Should not be used for any other item.

Section: Dialogue[]

An item specific section for Icon staff of the triumvirate Awakened Staff of the Triumvirate. Should not be used for any other item.

Section: What delves into what[]

An item specific section for Icon craftingstation delvingbench Delving Bench. Should not be used for any other item.

Special cases[]

Special cases that don't really fit in anywhere and are probably best avoided.

Section: How to Obtain[]

Only used in a handful of articles and would probably be better integrated into the "Notes" section. It should not be used any further!

Section: Acquisition[]

Only used in a handful of articles and would probably be better integrated into the "Notes" section. It should not be used any further!


List of all currently known sections, their type, order and rules:

section type generated
Item infobox common This section is automatically generated and should only be changed with care. A more detailed description of the individual attributes can be found on the template's documentation page: Template:Item infobox
Description common This section is automatically generated and should not be modified in any way!
Notes common No
Purchases item sepcific, only valid for Icon coin ancientoboli Ancient Obolus No
How to Obtain do not use, see comment above No
Acquisition do not use, see comment above No
Dialogue item specific, only valid for Icon staff of the triumvirate Awakened Staff of the Triumvirate No
Knowledge item type specific This section is automatically generated for all common items, but can also be inserted manually if our system did not recognize it. However, if the origin of the section is automatically generated, it should not be modified in any way!
Source common This section is automatically generated if the item is craftable. In this case you should not make any changes to this section!
Harvestable Items item type specific, only valid for Golem Parts This section is automatically generated and should not be modified in any way!
What delves into what item specific, only valid for Icon craftingstation delvingbench Delving Bench No
Armor Set item type specific, only valid for armor pieces that are part of a set This section is automatically generated and should not be changed in any way! However, it is possible to add additional information (such as alternative parts for an equipment slot) at the end of the template. These additions will be automatically included when the article is updated.
Thrall(s) Used item type specific, only valid for crafting stations No
Fuels item type specific, only valid for crafting stations using fuels No
Crafting item type specific, only valid for crafting stations with recipes This section is automatically generated if the item is a crafting station with recipes and should not be modified in any way!
Uses item type specific, only valid for items used as ingredient in a recipe This section is automatically generated and should not be modified in any way!
Diet item type specific, only valid for converted pets and mounts This section is automatically generated and should not be modified in any way!
Ammunition item type specific, only valid for bows This section is automatically generated and should not be modified in any way!
Comparison item type specific, only valid for healing items No
See Also common No
Repair common This section is automatically generated and should not be changed in any way!
Dismantle common This section is automatically generated and should not be changed in any way!
Navigation item type specific, only valid for altars No
Gallery common No
Media common No