Why is my controller not working in bf4 log in screen

by theExile8718

Original Post

Why is my controller not working in bf4 log in screen

★★★ Newbie


Well I just bought bf4 of ps4 store cuz it was on discount but when I opened the game it showed the log in screen but the proplem that the controller is NOT working at all when it shows the log in screen I tried reinstalling the game didn't work. Change internet connection didn't work. Please help I paid for this game!

Message 1 of 2 (218 Views)

Re: Why is my controller not working in bf4 log in screen

Community Manager

Hey @theExile8718 

Please try the following steps: Disconnect your console from the internet -> Launch the game -> When you see the screen again, connect your console and see if the problem has been fixed. 



Message 2 of 2 (203 Views)