Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

by Animal_Cigs

Original Post

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★ Guide

Jack , do you need to get into the elevator?   If so i only have hammerhead tag so you will need to equip another plus your phantom camo.   I'll be playing next , tomorrow 6/20  around 8:30 New York time if that helps.   Other wise try contacting Cyberdyme from this forum posting .  He and his friends all helped me.

Message 71 of 209 (2,930 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★★ Novice

I got: all the dog tags


I'm playing on: PC

Message 72 of 209 (2,883 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★ Novice

Need help ASAP

Message 73 of 209 (2,869 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★ Guide

Whats up?

Message 74 of 209 (2,857 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★ Guide

Sorry Animal,  I'm only on the PS4.

Message 75 of 209 (2,857 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★ Novice

Pls gey boy

Message 76 of 209 (2,841 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★★ Newbie

I got all dog tags and I play on PC

Message 77 of 209 (2,787 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★★ Newbie

Guys, in 2021, what is online in the game

Message 78 of 209 (2,675 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★★★ Guide
@JolYJolF everything all the server are full and still playable enjoy !
Message 79 of 209 (2,670 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★★ Novice

The game is still going! Servers are full and tons of new players getting ready for 2042. 

Message 80 of 209 (2,654 Views)