
Makes mobile user acquisition smooth sailing for your company

Easily create, track, automate and optimize multiple campaigns, simultaneously, from one centralized dashboard.

Get on board

Watch your UA turn a corner

If you want new users, you’ve gotta be all hands-on deck! Grow your users and your company with Skipper.

  • Automatically generate more downloads
  • Generate downloads
  • Instantly increase your app’s discoverability
  • Increase discoverability
  • Fully unleash your campaign's potential
  • Unleash you potential
  • Make smarter marketing decisions
  • Make smarter Decisions

Watch your ships come in, fast

Undock your mobile UA campaigns in no time with our intuitive, easily-accessible dashboard.

  • Immediate setup
  • Immediate setup
  • Full automation
  • Full automation
  • Intuitive UA
  • Intuitive UA
  • Every major channel & integration
  • Every major channel & integration
One solution for All your campaigns.
Any major channel.
One solution for All your campaigns.
Any major channel.

Navigate the stormy seas of user acquisition smoothly & safely

Need to conquer unchartered waters but don’t know where to start? Let’s talk ship.

Increase engagement, smash retention and blast your monetization with optimized campaign management that won't sink your budget. Jump on board with Skipper.

GET ON BOARD Book a demo

Get the big picture on all your campaign activities

Get a 360-degree view of all your activity and zoom in on the details for unmatched clarity, transparency and control.

  • Real-time data
  • Saved groups
  • Campaigns rating
  • Fixed monthly payments
See the big picture.
Zoom in on the small details.
See the big picture.
Zoom in on the small details.

Run a tight ship with every campaign

Save time, money, and resources and get maximum campaign results, at every critical turn.

  • Rule-based engine
  • Rapid, optimized KPI management
  • Real-time data insights
  • Pinpoint accurate budget allocation
Adjust your sails.
Make every campaign count.
Adjust your sails.
Make every campaign count.

Data & media management integrations

Take control.
Be the captain!

Book a demo

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