Sid Meier's Covert Action (Classic)


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Aktivace: SteamSteamKód produktu: 8534915
  • Sid Meier's Covert Action - A Techno-Thriller From the Case Files of Max Remington.
    In the 1990's our national nightmares are haunted by wild-eyed political extremists, greedy and ruthless drug lords, and lunatic military dictators. For too long we have felt powerless to stop them.
    But now, award-winning game designer Sid Meier takes us around the globe with super-spy Max Remington to challenge these threats and neutralize their shadowy schemes of terrorism, smuggling and extortion. A seasoned veteran of modern, hi-tech undercover operations, Remington always obeys the two main rules of Covert Action: 1. Use your intelligence. 2. If Rule one fails, use your other weapons.
    Game Features:

    Intelligence: Recognize Faces, Break Codes, Unravel plots and sub-plots to determine how sub-plots fit together in the larger scheme, Decide which leads to follow, which to ignore
    Weapons: Guns, Fragmentation grenades, Stun grenades, Remote-control bombs, Tear gas
    World travel: 3 Continents, 50 cities
    Variety: Work for CIA, Mossad(Israeli), MI5 (British), Unlimited number of cases to solve
    Realism:Crucial decisions international agents face every day, cases based on today's headlines.
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