New Features in WoltLab Suite 6.1: Admin Panel Dashboard

The adaptation and modernization of the dashboard in the admin panel is an ongoing process in which we strive to adapt to the evolving needs of the users. In this article, we take a look at the latest changes to the admin panel dashboard, where the previously rather static start page of the admin panel has been replaced by dynamic boxes. We look at the weaknesses of the old start page, the strengths of the new solution, the improved display of notifications and the simple expandability.

Weaknesses of the Old Start Page

The old start page of the admin panel had some significant disadvantages:

  • Static content
    The information shown and widgets were fixed and could not be customized.
  • Lack of clarity
    Notices were not sorted by priority and were also arranged above the content. In some cases, this led to a very colorful sequence of information bars that made it difficult to maintain an overview.
  • Limited expandability
    New functions and customizations could only be added via template and event listeners.

Strengths of the New Start Page with Dynamic Boxes

The new start page has a number of advantages:

  • Dynamic boxes
    Instead of static content, dynamic boxes are now used that can be adapted to the user's needs.
  • Individual configuration
    Every user with access to the admin panel can configure the displayed boxes individually. Boxes that are not required can be hidden and the order of the boxes can be adjusted as required.
  • Improved clarity
    Notes are now summarized and sorted by priority, so that users only see the most important information first and a much better overview is achieved.

New admin panel dashboard New admin panel dashboard

Extensibility Through Plugins

Previously, extensibility was only possible to a limited extent and was cumbersome using template and event listeners. With the new solution, developers can work much more efficiently and flexibly.

Great importance was put into the technical design of the new dashboard. With the help of a simple API, plugin developers can easily add their own boxes; detailed instructions for creating and integrating your own boxes can be found in the developer documentation.


The transformation of the admin panel dashboard into a dynamic, configurable interface represents a significant step forward. Users benefit from improved clarity and flexibility, while developers can more easily add their own extensions thanks to the simple API and comprehensive documentation. This modernization shows the importance of responding to user needs and continuously implementing technological improvements.