Brand Lift by Upwave

What is Brand Lift?

Brand Lift measures any increase in a consumer’s interest in and attitude toward your brand. Brand advertisers use Brand Lift metrics to assess their brand health both at a high-level and within specific audiences. These metrics include attitudinal indicators like consideration, awareness, favorability, and intent to purchase. 

How is Brand Lift Measured? 

Brand Lift is traditionally measured by rewarding individuals for completing surveys, also known as brand lift studies, in order to collect feedback from a custom subset of the overall population.  Brand health captured using this approach reflects the cumulative impact of a broad range of factors including negative or positive press, market shifts, advertising, and evolving consumer preferences but does not isolate the impact of any factor individually.  

The Upwave Brand Lift Difference 

Upwave is the only brand analytics platform with the capability to measure the full-funnel impact on brand lift resulting from individual tactics as well as the overall reach of your advertising campaigns in real-time.

Upwave’s Brand Lift data, as a part of our Brand Outcomes capability, is powered by our robust Digital Network, not incentivized panels. In addition to offering  5-10x the amount of data, this also means our brand outcome data is census representative, uncapped and available across all mobile and browser platforms – all powered by Upwave’s AI that refreshes daily.  

Measure the Real-World Impact of your Campaigns                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Upwave’s industry-first Brand Outcomes data builds on Brand Lift to reveal which media tactics are impacting your brand KPIs, as well as reporting a Persons Lifted–a count of people lifted, not just percentages,  and Customer Forecast–allowing advertisers to see the number of customers acquired and retained by a campaign.

Download Upwave’s Brand Outcomes one-sheet to learn more.


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