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The Verge’s guide to moving

Moving from one home to another can be extraordinarily nerve-racking. We offer some tips to help keep your stress levels down.

Moving is one of the most stressful events that can happen in your life. It takes a lot of time and effort, it’s expensive, it’s complicated, and there’s just a ton to do.

It’s not just a matter of finding a place you can afford, signing the lease or arranging for a mortgage, and figuring out how to get your stuff from one place to another. You probably have to downsize and declutter before you move. You have to figure out which furniture to move, and which to keep, and get rid of all those old and outdated laptops and phones that have been moldering in the closet.

And then, once you’re in your new home, you have to set everything up again — including the tech. You have to reassemble your home office. You have to find a solid (and hopefully not too expensive) ISP and set up your wireless network and smart home devices. It’s enough to make anyone cry.

Take a long breath. In The Verge’s moving guide, we do our best to make the process as painless as possible. And hopefully, some of these articles can act as the aspirin that will keep that pain to a minimum.

Illustration of a person remote working from on top of their couch that is strapped to a car broken down in the desert.
Image: Jackson Gibbs for The Verge

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