TheSixthAxis Review and Coverage Policy

All TheSixthAxis reviews aim to give readers information, analysis, context and opinion to judge whether or note a game or product is of interest to you.

Each of our reviews is carried out by an individual who views a game based on their own personal opinions and experiences. We select our reviewers with an aim to be able to apply their specific knowledge to a particular game, genre or platform.

All reviews are edited and approved by the editorial team before being published, but they remain the opinion of the individual reviewer. A key part of the review process comes in deciding upon a score, which is set by the reviewer. In the case that an editor wishes to make significant changes to the copy or modify the score, these are always made with the reviewer’s agreement.

For scoring a game, we use whole numbers from 1 to 10 with every number being usable and every increment being equal. We define them as follows:

  • 1/10 – Abysmal
  • 2/10 – Extremely poor
  • 3/10 – Poor
  • 4/10 – Below average
  • 5/10 – Average
  • 6/10 – Above average
  • 7/10 – Good
  • 8/10 – Very good
  • 9/10 – Excellent
  • 10/10 – Unmissable

The numbers themselves out of the way, let us explain that we do not believe that 10/10 means a “perfect” score, and two games or products receiving a 6/10 score are not necessarily directly comparable. The score is merely one element of a review and gains relevance alongside a meaningful body of text to explain the positives and negatives that were encountered when reviewing a game or product. A score is, much like the summary and pros and cons section, a small indication of the reviewer’s overall thoughts, and should only be taken as a snapshot of the review, rather than the whole picture.

Everyone is different, and where a reader disagrees with the writer’s or site’s viewpoint, it should be stated that their opinion is equally valid. We will only present review or preview material based upon our own experience of a particular title or product.

From time to time, we will agree to an embargo with a company that we will not publish our article prior to an agreed upon date, and occasionally to withhold some information such as key plot points. TheSixthAxis Media Ltd. never enters into any agreement that forbids us from fully critiquing any product, and follows embargoes as part of the legal framework of doing our jobs.

As a games and media website we cover a broad range of subjects and products that we feel will be of interest to our readers. As part of that we may receive game codes, discs, peripherals and gaming hardware as samples that enable us to do our job. We do not take any cash incentives – though let it be stated that these do not occur in the industry in our experience – and we do not perceive any exerted influence through the samples we receive.

All games, peripherals or related products are reviewed with a neutral, critical eye, and will be rated in a fair, meaningful way, without influence from any external body. No consideration is given to future relationships when reviewing, though our experience is that critique – good and bad – is considering an integral part of the both the games industry and media in general.

Advertising content and editorial content are wholly separate. TheSixthAxis Media Ltd. hosts advertising content provided by Network N. The editorial team have no prior knowledge of advertising campaigns that are set to run on the site and vice versa. Where we find an advert to be inappropriate for our site or our readers, we will not hesitate to have it removed as quickly as possible.

In the course of our reporting and coverage, we may be provided with travel and accommodation by a developer or publisher. Where that is the case, we will include that information in our coverage.