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1-7 out of 7 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
English Language Arts Core Curriculum (Prekindergarten?Grade 12). Report May 1, 2005 180
Teaching Peace in Fearful Times. Abstract May 1, 2005 115
The Importance of Play: Children from Birth to Five: A Statement of First Principles on Early Education for Educators and Policymakers. Report Jan 1, 2005 160
Time for Play, Every Day: It's Fun ? and Fundamental. Report Jan 1, 2005 145
Ten Steps for Peace Education. Abstract Jan 1, 2005 113
Innovations in Education: Alternative Routes to Teacher Certification. Abstract Nov 1, 2004 222
The Teaching of Language Arts to Limited English Proficient/English Language Learners: Learning Standards for English as a Second Language. Building the Bridge. Report Jan 1, 2004 186

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