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care I don't nation which support... they; JOY AS CROSS-BORDER TWINS COME HOME So long as they both grow up Sunderland fans, says tots' dad.

Byline: Jack Mathieson

THE dad of cross-border twins Dylan and Hannah Fox said he doesn't mind which national football team they support - as long as they're both Sunderland fans. ns dh y e Northumberland By reporters@ Dylan, who was born in England, and Hannah, who was delivered in Scotland, went home from hospital yesterday.

The tots wore special babygros gifted by the Daily Record which showed their national allegiances. os ch But their dad Joe, 24, said he won't be pushing them towards one country or another when it comes to football.

The Mackems fan said: "We will let them decide themselves as they grow up whether they each want to support the country of their birth.

"But one thing is for sure - when it comes to club football, they are both going to support Sunderland."

Mum Donna Keenan, 28, said the twins have different personalities - which may, or may not, refelect their national identities.

She added: "Hannah is amazingly alert. She is bright as a button and takes an interest in everything.

"Dylan seems much more laid-back about life. He just wants to sleep. And he has incredibly big feet."

Dylan arrived unexpectedly at his grandparents' home in Wooler, Northumberland, 10 days ago.

Cafe worker Donna was then driven by ambulance to Borders General Hospital in Melrose.

Hannah was born an hour and 40 minutes after her big brother.

The twins, who have a two-year-old sister Jessica, went home to Wooler after recovering from their premature births in the special care baby unit.


TWO CUTE J Our twins report WHAT A 3TEAM Joe and Donna with Dylan and Hannah
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Publication:Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)
Geographic Code:4EUUK
Date:Jul 11, 2012
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