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bigmouth; Who said what this week - straight out of the mouths of celebrities.

"In the 1980s snooker stars were treated like Big Brother stars today. Now, I can walk down the street and nobody bats an eyelid. But if you're a world champion and don't get recognised much, maybe something is wrong with the sport" - Snooker star John Higgins "I think you need to be quite thick and crass to make a lot of money" - Broadcaster and commentator Rod Liddle "We are tired of the incontinence of the John Terrys of this world. It's babyish to behave in this stupid way" - Novelist Joanna Trollope "There are many people in recovery all the time, and a great many of them do manage to stay clean, to do good, to sort out their lives. I should know. I'm one of them" - Boy George on drug-taking "I saw a mocked-up picture of how it would look and it didn't look good - like Natalie Portman with a beard" - Russell Brand, who is thinking of having a haircut
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Publication:Wales On Sunday (Cardiff, Wales)
Date:Apr 18, 2010
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