Parties clash over France visit.

Title Annotation:Features
Geographic Code:4EUFR
Date:Jun 14, 2019
Publication:South Wales Echo (Cardiff, Wales)

POLITICAL parties in Bridgend have clashed over a decision to pay travel costs for the deputy mayor and his consort to attend a special twinning celebration in France.

The event in Bordeaux is the 25th anniversary of the twinning association between Bridgend and the town of Villenave d'Ornon.

At a finance committee, councillors approved funding for accommodation and flights for Bridgend Town Council's mayor Alan Wathan and his consort, and the council clerk - understood to be a total of about PS1,300.

They also approved PS322 costs for the deputy mayor Steven Bletsoe and his consort, Freya Bletsoe, who is also a town councillor, to travel by car.

Conservative town councillor Matthew Voisey said it was "totally inappropriate" to pay for the deputy mayor and his consort to attend.

He said: "The public will see it as a taxpayer-funded jolly. As Conservative members we disapprove of the public expense for an unnecessary person to go.

"We feel the mayor, his consort and the clerk were enough - but the Change for Bridgend group felt the deputy mayor should go as well."

The Independent - Change for Bridgend party declined to comment.

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