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Browse Zahorka, Herwig

1-14 out of 14 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
PUNAN "GITA," PENAN BENALUI, PUNAN APUT: FROM HUNTER-GATHERERS TO AVERAGE CITIZENS: Early and later experiences of the author in East Kalimantan. Jan 1, 2017 10446
The raised coffin-like ossuaries of the Benuaq Dayak of East Kalimantan. Essay Jan 1, 2016 1166
Kwangkai: the secondary funerary rituals of the Benuaq Ohookng Dayaks, East Kalimantan: a journey of souls ending in two different heavens. Report Jan 1, 2013 9038
Ethnohistory of the "Tumon Dayak" in the Schwaner Mountains of Central Kalimantan. Jan 1, 2012 3421
Sepatukng Belontakng statues of the Benuaq Ohookng Dayak and some protective spirits depicted on them. Jan 1, 2011 2085
More on Kalimantan mountains. Jan 1, 2009 523
The shamanic belian sentiu rituals of the Benuaq Ohookng, with special attention to the ritual use of plants. Obituary Jan 1, 2007 5750
Blowpipe dart poison in Borneo and the secret of its production: the latex of Antiaris toxicaria; the poison-making procedure; the heat-sensitive main toxic chemical compound, and the lethal effect of the poison. Jan 1, 2006 2260
Tribus: The "Palang" Phenomenon and Its Historic and Socio-cultural Background in Southeast Asia. Jan 1, 2005 408
Response to Antonio Guerreiro. Jan 1, 2004 730
The mystery of the twin masks on megaliths at Long Pulung in East Kalimantan: prehistoric wax modeling molds for casting bronze moko drums? An interpretative attempt. Jan 1, 2004 6217
A wooden figure used to take on human diseases shamanistic healing rituals of the Basap in East Kalimantan. Jan 2, 2002 899
A Tumon Dayak burial ritual (Ayah Besar): description and interpretation of its masks, disguises, and ritual practices. (Research Notes). Jan 1, 2001 4561
The last Basap cave dwellers in the Mangkalikat karst mountains, East Kalimantan--a brief report. (Brief Communications). Jan 1, 2001 2159

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