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Woman dies in lightning bolt strike.

SHEIKHUPURA -- A woman died while her minor daughter suffered serious burn injuries when lightning struck them near Warburton here on Monday.

The deceased, identified as Nooran, was present outside the house during rain along her daughter when the deadly bolt of lightning struck them.

They were shifted to a nearby hospital where doctor pronounced Nooran dead. Her daughter was also in serious condition.

MURDER: A tractor driver was shot dead while his colleague sustained serious bullet injuries by two people in village Tatorian here on Monday.

Shahbaz and his colleague were riding the tractor in the village street with the blaring sound of music.

Near the village mosque, Farooq and Bilal forbade them from playing the music. This led to a scuffle between the two sides.

They killed tractor driver Shahbaz at the scene and injured his friend Mushtaq.

The Ferozwala police started investigation against Farooq and Bilal.

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Publication:Dawn (Karachi, Pakistan)
Date:Jun 25, 2019
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