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Browse Wadsworth, James

1-8 out of 8 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Expertise is essential: deciding who will conduct a co-op feasibility study is a crucial decision. Clinical report Mar 1, 2017 1728
Begin here: phases and steps in starting a co-op. May 1, 2015 1315
A two-way street" members must fulfill responsibilities to their co-op. Jul 1, 2014 1631
Director diligence: co-ops should assess director skills and ability to fulfill duties. Jul 1, 2013 1278
Study raises important questions about co-op education efforts. Jan 1, 2012 1006
State cooperative councils adapting to help members in turbulent times. Jan 1, 2010 2426
Co-op educators see critical need to ramp-up, expand education efforts. Mar 1, 2009 1166
Magnifying the message: Co-op Month efforts spread the word about benefits of producer--and user-owned businesses. Nov 1, 2006 1517

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