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Browse Wade, Donald

1-19 out of 19 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Introduction to the restaurant business. Jan 1, 2006 1580
Chapter 1 menu design and engineering. Jan 1, 2006 7056
Chapter 2 marketing: research analysis and building a customer base. Jan 1, 2006 12498
Chapter 3 site selection. Jan 1, 2006 6732
Chapter 4 business plan. Jan 1, 2006 6688
Chapter 5 finance and accounting. Jan 1, 2006 17838
Chapter 6 building the restaurant. Jan 1, 2006 10189
Chapter 7 sanitation management. Jan 1, 2006 9027
Chapter 8 restaurant management and operations analysis. Jan 1, 2006 14377
Chapter 9 customer service. Jan 1, 2006 7823
Chapter 10 human resource management. Jan 1, 2006 15735
Appendix A industry support. List Jan 1, 2006 263
Appendix B employee manual. Professional standards Jan 1, 2006 1750
Appendix C job descriptions. List Jan 1, 2006 4544
Appendix D training guides. Professional standards Jan 1, 2006 3233
Appendix E forms and checklists. Brief article Jan 1, 2006 120
Appendix F pre-meal topics. Professional standards Jan 1, 2006 279
Appendix G recommended reading. Recommended readings Jan 1, 2006 158
Glossary. Glossary Jan 1, 2006 2968

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