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Browse Wachter, Kerri

1-203 out of 203 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Poor mental outcomes follow wartime vascular injuries. Aug 1, 2012 607
National plan to overcome AD takes shape. Feb 1, 2012 852
Teen behavior involving sexting varies widely. Feb 1, 2012 1556
Methamphetamine use linked to Parkinson's. Feb 1, 2012 745
Two interventions help beat eating disorders: family-based treatment and cognitive remediation therapy rearrange attitudes and thought patterns. Feb 1, 2012 1414
FDA reports shortage of three ADHD drugs. Feb 1, 2012 281
Clinical judgment key for suicide prevention. Dec 1, 2011 1018
Opioid abuse rising in cancer patients, survivors: high incidence of comorbid anxiety, depression spells need for better psychiatric screening. Aug 1, 2011 918
New technologies address opioid abuse, misuse. May 1, 2011 909
Abortion rate holds steady, while medication abortions rise. Mar 1, 2011 509
In autism spectrum disorder, 25%-45% battle feeding issues. Mar 1, 2011 418
Antidepressant gets nod; dual action cited. Feb 1, 2011 712
Childhood abuse linked to type 2 diabetes in women. Nov 1, 2010 844
Antipsychotic use tied to venous thromboembolism risk. Clinical report Oct 1, 2010 887
Beta-blockers may cut mortality in patients with TBI. Nov 1, 2009 568
Multiple posttrauma sessions can backfire. Brief article Sep 1, 2009 338
Teen abuse of ADHD stimulants climbed 76%. Sep 1, 2009 582
Target social skills in autism, Asperger's. Jun 1, 2009 659
Ethnicity plays role in age of autism spectrum diagnosis. Brief article Jun 1, 2009 328
Consider behavioral therapies first for ASD. Dec 1, 2008 756
Blacks may be at greater risk for alcoholism. Nov 1, 2008 619
'Possible selves' may raise risk of alcohol use. Nov 1, 2008 295
Type of drink is more critical than number. Oct 1, 2008 533
Comorbid mental disorders predict chronic medical illness. Oct 1, 2008 442
Drinking behavior assessed among hispanics. Oct 1, 2008 332
Adiposity trumps BMI as predictor of stroke. Oct 1, 2008 658
Depression, drug abuse predict postpartum suicidal ideation. Sep 1, 2008 432
Risk factors identified for early heavy drinking. Brief article Sep 1, 2008 387
Risky sex behaviors seen with continued drinking. Sep 1, 2008 663
Insomnia is common during chemotherapy. Brief article Sep 1, 2008 317
Heart groups acknowledge apnea-CVD link. Sep 1, 2008 640
Alcoholism is increasingly seen as medical illness; U.S. survey also finds heightened stigma. Aug 1, 2008 805
Cognitive dysfunction may worsen quality of life in bipolar. Clinical report Aug 1, 2008 314
Race may play role in Dx of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder. Clinical report Aug 1, 2008 327
Varenicline curbs alcohol cravings, increases abstinence in smokers. Aug 1, 2008 606
Treating gambling difficult in military. Survey Aug 1, 2008 383
Try Gabapentin, antidepressants for hot flashes. Aug 1, 2008 490
Modafinil reduces severe cancer fatigue. Brief article Aug 1, 2008 319
Cases show virulence of online pornography. Jul 1, 2008 685
Study: gambling common among disabled. Jul 1, 2008 614
Cost separates old migraine drugs from new. Jul 1, 2008 882
Use of Zolpidem appears safe during pregnancy. Brief article Jul 1, 2008 345
Citalopram appears effective for reducing hot flashes. Jul 1, 2008 604
QoL, cancer outcome linked in meta-analyses. Clinical report Jul 1, 2008 960
Ask patients about use of the Internet. Jun 1, 2008 770
Look for comorbidities with problem gambling. Brief article Jun 1, 2008 345
Dyslipidemia poses threat in bipolar disorder. Clinical report Jun 1, 2008 363
Screening for metabolic syndrome encouraged. Jun 1, 2008 501
Modafinil may keep weight gain from olanzapine to minimum. Jun 1, 2008 425
Working memory low in children with ADHD. Jun 1, 2008 307
Dysregulated eating may be linked to cortisol. Jun 1, 2008 410
Genes may make some vulnerable to weight gain. Brief article Jun 1, 2008 200
Psychosocial competence may affect diabetes control. Jun 1, 2008 330
Factors identified for earlier Dx of ASD. Jun 1, 2008 223
Methadone is complex choice for managing pain. Jun 1, 2008 977
Dexmedetomidine reduces postsurgery delirium. Clinical report Jun 1, 2008 602
Depression may predict PTSD in some cardiac patients. Clinical report May 1, 2008 314
When other opioids fail, consider levorphanol for refractory pain. May 1, 2008 283
Lamotrigine may improve pelvic pain, depression. Brief article May 1, 2008 368
Brain regions associated with satiety identified. May 1, 2008 653
SSRI may improve metabolic risk factors, hostility: citalopram's benefits include weight loss. Apr 1, 2008 614
Responsiveness to external cues tied to obesity. Brief article Apr 1, 2008 362
Obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea raises risk of crashes. Apr 1, 2008 577
Combined treatment eases migraine activity: three-part therapy produced at least 50% reduction in episodes, migraine days in 80% of patients. Mar 1, 2008 552
Euthanasia requests offer therapeutic window. Mar 1, 2008 1656
Guidelines focus on palliative care at end of life. Feb 1, 2008 614
IEED: uncertainty reigns in diagnosis and treatment. Disease/Disorder overview Nov 1, 2007 622
Duloxetine may improve patients' sleep quality. Nov 1, 2007 576
Military to focus on improving mental health care: services aim to 'create culture of support.'. Oct 1, 2007 1161
Indications for risperidone expanded to teens, kids. Sep 1, 2007 581
Stroke and Alzheimer's pathology raise risk of dementia. Clinical report Jun 1, 2007 647
Don't let fear of opioid abuse inhibit therapies. Jun 1, 2007 877
Isometric exercise may benefit patients with chronic pain. Jun 1, 2007 670
Dementia care: go beyond patient. Brief article May 1, 2007 313
FDA orders halt to manufacture of unapproved ergotamine drugs. Apr 1, 2007 438
Source of prescription opioids affects teens' drug use and abuse. Apr 1, 2007 600
ADHD prodrug approved, may be schedule II. Brief article Mar 1, 2007 144
Store-brand acetaminophen recalled due to metal fragments. Brief article Dec 1, 2006 265
Diabetes and bone fracture risk: disease duration appears critical. Dec 1, 2006 551
Parkinson's more benign in women. Oct 1, 2006 529
Olfactory deficits seen in early Parkinson's disease. Brief article Oct 1, 2006 296
Parkinson's cognitive pattern imaged. Sep 1, 2006 465
Sleep disorder manifestations vary by patient. Aug 1, 2006 703
Risk factors suggest preclinical Parkinson's: look for excessive daytime sleepiness, olfactory dysfunction, constipation, and slow reaction time. Aug 1, 2006 823
Novartis advises of changes to Clozaril label. Brief article Jul 1, 2006 151
HIV/AIDS deaths on the rise. Brief article Jul 1, 2006 226
Heroin use drops in Switzerland. Brief article Jul 1, 2006 281
Check Diastat applicator before use. Drug overview Jul 1, 2006 216
Dementia, depression common in assisted living. Disease/Disorder overview Jul 1, 2006 1131
Keep an open mind about CAM for Parkinson's. Jul 1, 2006 881
Initial psych screenings key at nursing homes. Jul 1, 2006 505
Testosterone shows mixed results as Alzheimer's treatment. Jun 1, 2006 538
Episodic nature key to dx of seizures in older adults. Jun 1, 2006 461
Stroke history raises risk of vascular dementia. Brief article Jun 1, 2006 340
New drug slows decline in mild Alzheimer's cases. May 1, 2006 587
Monitoring patients for driving safety is critical: drivers with dementia have a twofold increased risk of crashing, vs. their age-matched counterparts. May 1, 2006 748
Atypicals for dementia a modest help with behavior problems. May 1, 2006 560
Selegiline safe, effective as adjunct for Parkinson's. May 1, 2006 569
Eleven deaths reported in donepezil vascular dementia trial. Brief article May 1, 2006 375
With age comes wisdom, but also insomnia. May 1, 2006 979

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