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Hero soldier James Collins stood on a bomb to save two pals during World War I. The remarkable Lance Corporal then defied medical advice to - ave his injured leg amputated - and went on to play football for Swansea Town for 15 years while riddled with shrapnel.

His rousing tale of wartime derring-do has been recalled as his medals prepare to go under the hammer next week.

Reporting at the time The London Gazette noted: "On November 11, 1917, near an advanced dressing station in France, a lunatic soldier escaped from his escort and ran away along a trench.

"Collins ran after him, and when he got near him the man threatened to throw a bomb at him. Collins closed with the man, who then withdrew the pin from the bomb and let it fall in the trench.

"In an endeavour to save the patient and two other soldiers who were near, Collins put his foot upon the bomb, which exploded, killing the lunatic and injuring Collins severely. Fortunately the two soldiers were not hurt.

"Collins, who could easily have got out of the way, ran the gravest risk of losing his life in order to save others."

He was awarded a gold Albert " Medal for his actions. It was given him by King George V. Military expert Alister Williams penned Heart of a Dragon, the VCs of Wales and the Welsh Regiments.

"The Albert Medal was a predecessor of the George Cross," he said.

It was normally given to civilians.

"So it is unusual for someone to get an Albert Medal in a military action," Alister said.

He thought Collins may have received the honour as he was with the Royal Army Medical Corps rather than a fighting unit.

"The Albe away with," h "People w hand them i George Cros ple said, 'N awarded the was given t al.'"Colin Jon Swansea To Football Clu Record 1912 He said: league debu the second l 1920-21 sea Field against almost all of Swans as a w half. But du season, foll regular forw and Beynon last five leag season as c inside right."

He once s against Bris 8-1 win and appearances Swans' Thir Championsh 1924-25 seas "The follo played in all FA Cup, w reached the in said.

But he ret life despite cess.

"In 1943 h for the secon France in 19 "He susta dent to his l land, spend in hospita treatment af tions. after failing to get ball he join ction. red to work in Palestine 9 he had returned to the ed his old club Chester, nvolved in looking after nger players," Colin said.

health was beginning to over the reserve team in 2-63."

his time with the Swans, ved in the city's Mansel retiring from football he d to his birthplace - Lo-Scotland. He died there ember 20, 1963, at the age is medal is now set to be y London auctioneers Thursday. It is expected 0 to PS7,000.
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Publication:Wales On Sunday (Cardiff, Wales)
Date:Apr 20, 2014
Next Article:Undiscovered Dutch master nets PS60,000.

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