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Voting for extremists.

I AM I the only one who has spotted the delicious irony in Boris Johnson's Hitler comments? The Nazis came to power because Germany was suffering a severe currency and banking crisis at a time of economic slump and massive indebtedness between the economies of Europe. As a direct result the German electorate abandoned their moderate political parties and voted for the extremes.

History is repeating itself as result of the Euro crisis. Spain, Portugal, Itay and, most especially Greece, are voting for extremist parties that are being bullied - forgive me, diplomatically encouraged - into accepting the most humiliating austerity that is consigning generations of their young people to the scrap heap.

The single currency was a political project that has failed and is costing the euro-zone - as countries like the UK that have helped bail to out - dearly. The EU's answer to the Euro crisis is to federalise decision-making even more, thereby further alienating the ordinary citizens Colourful characters from the past we just can't resist Robert Sutcliffe Page 6 of Europe.

It is worth remembering that all these bankers and diplomats who are predicting the end of the world if we vote for Brexit are the very same people who said we were doomed if we didn't join the Euro.


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Publication:Huddersfield Daily Examiner (Huddersfield, England)
Date:May 21, 2016
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