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Upending the Ivory Tower: Civil Rights, Black Power, and the Ivy League.


Upending the Ivory Tower: Civil Rights, Black Power, and the Ivy League

Stefan M. Bradley

NYU Press


464 pages




Covering the period from WWII to 1975, this history for students and scholars reveals the efforts of black students, faculty, and staff to promote desegregation and change educational policies at Ivy League colleges. The book follows controversies surrounding admission of black students, efforts to attract black students, black Ivy League students who brought the Black Power and civil rights movements to the Ivy League, and the birth of Black Studies in the Ivy League. Chapters are devoted to the history of racism, discrimination, activism, and transformation at eight institutions: Yale, Harvard, Cornell University, Princeton University, Brown University, Dartmouth College, Columbia University, and Pennsylvania State University. The book draws on interviews and writings of former students, plus the archives and special collections of libraries at each institution, and the Schomburgh Center for Research in Black Culture. B&w historical photos are included. ([umlaut] Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR)

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Article Type:Brief article
Date:Dec 1, 2018
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