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Trump Retweets Baseless Epstein-Clintons Conspiracy.

President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Saturday and retweeted a video espousing a conspiracy theory linking the Clinton Family to the death by ( apparent suicide of financier and accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. In the past, Trump has a history of sharing and boosting the profile of fringe right-wing conspiracies.

According to ( CNN , the specific video that Trump retweeted came from conservative comedian Terrence Williams and suggested without evidence that Bill and Hillary Clinton were somehow responsible for Epstein's mysterious death. According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Epstein's death was an "apparent suicide" while he was being held in federal prison.

The video has now been viewed over 3 million times. As well as offering no evidence for its claims, the video also wrongly asserts that Epstein died while under suicide watch, despite reports that he was not at the time of his death.

Both Trump and Bill Clinton are among the numerous high-powered individuals that were friendly with Epstein. The former financier was arrested in July on charges of trafficking underage girls.

A spokesman for Bill Clinton said that the is theory is "ridiculous, and of course not true. And Donald Trump knows it."

This recent incident is the latest in a long line of Trump sharing conspiracies to attack his political rivals. Before his 2016 run for President, Trump promoted the theory that former President Barack Obama was born in Kenya. Later, during the election, he shared a ( theory linking his Republican opponent Ted Cruz's father to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Mere months after taking office, Trump baselessly accused the Obama administration of bugging the phones in Trump Tower during the election.

Democratic Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey, who is currently running for president, is one of many voices ( decrying Trump's latest conspiracy theory.

"It's the same tactics and same language not just as white supremacists, but of the Russians, if you look at the intelligence reports of how they're coming at our democracy," Booker said on CNN's "State of the Union." "This is just more recklessness."

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Publication:International Business Times - US ed.
Date:Aug 12, 2019
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