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The progressive in 19th-century English; a process of integration.


The progressive in 19th-century English; a process of integration.

Smitterberg, Erik.

Editions Rodopi


284 pages



Language and computers; studies in practical linguistics; no.54


Revising and updating his 2002 doctoral dissertation for Uppsala University, Smitterberg offers a corpus-based study of the use and development of the progressive--for example They are playing ball--in the English spoken in England during the 19th century. Drawing on speech-related and non-speech-related written genres, he also discusses methodological issues; correlations between the use of the progressive with the extra-linguistic features of the time, genre, and the sex of the language user; details of progressive verb phrases; and the kinds of linguistic features that co-occur with the construction, and how these features affect language users' interpretation of a given progressive. He does not provide an index.

([c] 2005 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR)
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Publication:Reference & Research Book News
Article Type:Book Review
Date:Nov 1, 2005
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